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Sabrina and the Tree House

Sabrina and the Tree House

By Sabrina Isida

Note:Sabrina Isida is my real name!This is my first fanfic ever.This is between "The Birth Of Greymon"and "Garurumon".

The Digi-Destind (Tai,Sora,Matt*sigh*,T.K,Izzy,Mimi,Joe,and their Digimon) are walking on the beach. Biomon is humming the tune to the song "Get Happy" by B*WITCHED.But no one notices.Tai askes "Agumon are you sure there aren't any humans here?" "No,I'm sure there aren't Tai."Agumon answers. "What about Sabrina." Palmon says. "Oh yeah,how could I forget Sabrina?" "Who's Sabrina?"askes Sora. "Sabrina is A human who lives in a tree house by the beach."Gabumon says ."Hey Agumon,can you take us to her tree house?"Tai asked ."Sure Tai." Agumon leads them up the beach until they come to a bridge over a large canyon."Her house is just across this bridge"Agumon said. "Are you sure this bridge is safe?"Joe says. "Of course trust me,"Agumon replies.They start to cross the bridge when all of a sudden the rope supporting the bridge snapped! "AAAHHHH!"everyone screamed. As they fell towards the water Gomamon shouted "Marching Fishes!" All of a sudden billions of fish floated to the top of the water and every one landed on them.When they got back to the shore they looked up into the sky. "WOW!"everyone gasped. Right above them was a Gilligan's Island type tree house! "Hey,Sabrina it's Gabumon,"Gabumon yelled. 'Hey Gabumon be right down."came a girls voice from inside the tree house.All of a sudden a girl jumped down from the porch of the tree house.She had short brown hair kept behind her ears with a headband.She was wearing a bright red tube-top ,khaki cargo pants,and brown plat-forms."hey,Gabumon how are ya?"she says ."You must be Sabrina."Tai says. "yeah who are you guys?"Tai introduces everyone when he gets to Matt he blushes. "so how did you make that tree house?" Sora askes. "Well I've been developing it over the years I've been here."


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