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Part 1

By Paige Jones (Author's Note: Okay, as you may or may not have observed, I am one for notes, as well as a constant flow of FanFics, and FanFic ideas. And, I am looking for something to do with all the free time that I have found myself swarmed with. This entire speech only means is that I will beta-read your FanFics! Please, let me, somebody. I have too much free time. Its not baseball season, so I have nothing to do. Other than pray that the Cardinals make to the playoffs (fat chance). Anyway.

This FanFic is partially going to be about the supposed Y2K disaster. You know about it right? The whole 'the world is going to come to an end and all the computes will fail' hoopla? Well, this is my Digimon FanFic on just that.

Little side note, this takes place at both Tai and Mimi's house. See, in my strange, sugar filled universe (that's right, I'm hyper again) Tai threw a Sleepover for the guys, and Mimi threw a Slumber Party for the girls. All the peeps have arrived at their for mentioned parties. The actual discussion time spent on Y2K is unknown, however, the title kind of fits. Kind of. Sort of. Not really, but I don't care, so there! Okay, enough with the notes. Start writing. Start. Now. Now!

Disclaimer: The usual 'I don't own Digimon' stuff. If I did, I wouldn't be writing a FanFic, now would I?)

Scene: Boys Sleepover

Tai took a sip out of his soda, looking at the motley crew of boys and Digimon assembled in his room for his sleepover. Technically, they had all just been jealous that Mimi had thrown a sleepover for the girls, and the fact that it was just for the girls didn't help. And, to get even, they had decided to throw a sleepover.

"Now what do we do?" he asked. Tai was clueless as to what to do. He hadn't been to a sleepover since he was, like, six or seven.

"We're supposed to watch scary movies. However the mastermind behind all this forgot that," Matt said, sending a menacing glance Tai's way.

Tai shrugged.

A silence fell upon the five boys and their Digimon as they all tried to think of what they were supposed to do.

"Music," said Izzy.

"What?" Tai asked.

"We should have music."

"Anybody have any music?" Tai asked as he looked at his friends.

"This is your house. We should be asking you that."

"Heh, yah, right." Tai looked around, and then at his soda.

"I don't think we have anything recent. Or, at least, not that I know of," he spoke, looking up.

(I'm stuck, so it ends here for now. Later, maybe. Poor boys though, no? Anywhose, ciao and read on!)

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