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The Story...

Seven kids (Tai Kamiya, Sora Takenouchi, Joe Kido, Matt Ishida, TK Takaishi, Izzy Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa) arrive in summer camp. They all share the same cabin and get to know one another; Tai , the adventurous athlete. Sora, the responsible and serious. Joe, the worry-wart. Matt, older brother of TK and rebel of the group. TK, the gentle and innocent. Izzy, the computer genius. And Mimi, the self-centered.

Just finished unpacking, the sky grows dark and cloudy. Snowflakes start to fall on the group, one at a time. The snowflakes start to build into a flurry and the seven kids are forced to retreat back into the cabin. After several minutes the freak snow storm stops and the kids go outside. The whole field is covered with snow.

While examining the freshly fallen snow, the sky starts to rumble. All seven of them look up and see seven blushish metallic devices fall down, right in front of each of them. The devices hover in mid-air in front of each amazed child. They all take it and look at the square-shaped device, which looks the face of a digital wrist watch. They can't figure out what it is. The sky starts to open and the devices glow. The seven kids are all sucked up into the sky....twirling...spinning...screaming....
