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The Story

The kids arrive only to be greeted by an evil rock and rolling Digimon called Etemon. He and his Dark Network controls the land. Gennai told the kids about the crests and the hidden tags which Devimon had hidden. With these crests and tags their Digimon can fully Digi-volve to the next level.

Their search for their tags lead them to numerous adventures. The kids have to figure out how to use them in order to defeat Etemon. In a great battle, Tai discovers his hidden power for his crest which is the Crest of Courage. It glows brightly and it allows Greymon to fully digivolve to...Metal Greymon.

Defeating Etemon, a dimensional rift opens up and sucks Tai and Metal Greymon into it. After a brief reception with Kari (Tai's younger sister), Tai and Agumon return back to the Digi-World.

They find themselve seperated from the group and go off to find them. The kids all eventually meet up but with troubles along the way. A new enemy is attacking, this time a mysterious one, cloaked in shadows. He commands his henchman...Demidevimon to do his dirty deeds. The Digi Destined all foil each and every one of Demidevimon's plans to destroy them and get their tags.

The shadowy figure reveals himself as Myositmon...
