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USA Independant Wrestling

Ring of Honor

Low Ki became the first ROH champion in a sensational match of the year candidate on the July 27th event at the sold-out Murphy Recreation Center in South Philadelphia. He captured the 60 minute ironman 4-way match with a total of 3 points while other competitors Chris Daniels finished at 2 points, Spanky at -1 and Doug Williams at -1. Daniels captured the first fall over Low Ki with last rites, Low Ki won the second fall over Spanky with the dragon clutch and Low Ki pinned Doug Williams for the third and last fall with the phoenix splash. It was a very emotional scene in the locker room as Low Ki, in tears, dedicated the victory to Russ Haas.

Daniels was furious that he won the first fall, beat Low Ki and wasn't pinned and still didn't become champion. He vows to change Ring Of Honor forever after his Japan tour when he returns on September 21st at the Murphy Recreation Center in South Philly. Daniels wants to shape ROH in the image of The Prophecy and will try to do this by bringing down The Code Of Honor. Other results of the show saw:

Tony Mamaluke beat Jeremy Lopez in an excellent technical match with a submission finish.

Joey Matthews & Christian York with Alexis Laree beat Prince Nana & his servant. After the match The Christopher Street Connection and Allison Danger came to the ring so Allison could tell Alexis that she was hot. This broke down into a brawl with a catfight that ended with Allison putting her hand print in sparkles on Alexis' behind before Matthews & York made the save.

Da Hit Squad beat Divine Storm in a high impact match. Both teams showed respect towards each other afterwards.

Michael Shane & Bio-Hazard beat Paul London & Don Juan . After the match, Michael Shane said he should named be "The Show Stopper." London took exception to this and it ended in a pull apart brawl between London and Shane that continued into the locker room.

James Maritato beat Jay Briscoe. Mark Briscoe almost seemed against his own brother and even walked out when Jay hit a big move on the former FBI member. Jay, distracted by his brother, was hit by Maritato's kiss of death to drop the contest. The two brothers were about to exchange fists when Mark told Jay that he couldn't hit him in Pennsylvania because he wasn't 18 yet. If contact is made by a wrestler with someone under 18 they could lose their PA license.

Homicide & Boogalou defeated Loc & Devito in a bloody, brutal bunkhouse match that earned a "ROH" chant from the crowd. This was just plain violent. The end saw Boogalou stick barbed wire in Devito's mouth causing him to tap. After the bout, Loc & Devito attacked The Natural Born Sinners with hubcaps until Da Hit Squad made the save. Homicide & Boogalou took this as a sign of disrespect and said they didn't need help from DHS. Loc & Devito, The Carnage Crew, were furious DHS interfered in their business.

AJ successfully defended the NWA TNA X title match in a fast-paced three-way match vs. David Young and Adam Jacobs. Styles is now the #1 contender to the ROH title and will receive a shot August 24th in Boston.

Mike Tobin, Dunn & Marcos beat Dixie, Brian XL & Black Gordman when Dixie and Xl walked out on their partner. XL and Dixie were seen partying in the back before the show. After the match a mysterious big man hit the ring and choke slammed Tobin, Dunn and Marcos before pushing Danny Drake, in a wheelchair, into the corner post.

Scoot Andrews defeated a bloody Xavier in the bout before the main event

Credit: Gabe of RF Video

Previous Reports

6/28 Ring of Honor: American Dragon vs. Biohazard; Spanky vs. Paul London; Doug Williams vs. Jay Briscoe; Jody Fleisch vs. Johnny Storm; Low Ki vs. Prince Nana; Red vs. Xavier; Christopher Daniels vs. Scoot Andrews; Sakai vs. Luscious; AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn; Spanky vs. Jody Fleisch; Doug Williams vs. American Dragon; Red vs. Low-Ki; Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles;

6/24 Ring of Honor