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Absolute Zero (Shiva Hero)( 3-Existential Journey: A Punk Opera) from Warzone
AFRIKA   from Take the System Down
Age of Consent  from Warzone  
Atheism (Existential Journey: A Punk Opera)from Warzone
THE BALLAD OF MUMIA ABU-JAMAL  from  Violent Stuctures 
  from God Won't Bless America
from Take the System Down
CATCH THE FLOW  from God Won't Bless America
CELL PHONE BLUES  from God Won't Bless America
   from Sex & Subversion
Co-Dependent Masochism  from Warzone
Curse Of Communalism from Warzone
DESERT STORM   from Take the System Down
   from Take the System Down
Down With The Democratic System  from Warzone  
DYING BLUES   from Take the System Down
  from Take the System Down
  from God Won't Bless America
Free The Detainees  from Warzone
GENERATION Y  from Take the System Down and   Violent Stuctures
  from God Won't Bless America
HOOSIER CRUISER from God Won't Bless America
Join The Caravan  from Warzone
Left Of The Dial from Warzone
LEGIONS OF DOOM   from God Won't Bless America
LOST VEGAS   from God Won't Bless America
Overgrowth  from Warzone
POSTMODERN LAMENT  from God Won't Bless America
POWER FREAKS from God Won't Bless America
Power Vacuum  from Warzone
Punk Never Has The Blues  
from Warzone
Queer Revolution  
from Warzone
Race To The Bottom  
from Warzone
THE RAP BEGINS TO ROLL fromTake the System Down, Love & Rebellion, and Violent Stuctures
Resource Wars  from Warzone
SHADE-TREE MECHANIC  from Take the System Down
Stranded ( 2- Existential Journey: A Punk Opera)from Warzone
SUICIDE AND HOMICIDE  from God Won't Bless America
SUICIDE SKYJACK  from God Won't Bless America
   from Violent Stuctures
To Be or Not (1- Existential Journey: A Punk Opera)   from Warzone
UNABOMBER FIGHT SONG    from Take the System Down and  Violent Stuctures
Voices from Warzone
War Zone
from Warzone
We All Need Nukes
 from Warzone
WE HATE OUR CONDITION    from Take the System Down
   from Take the System Down
Writhing on the Rack  from Warzone

Mike Weinstein




Take the
  System Down

Love &

God Won't
 Bless America

Sex &

Mike Weinstein



GENERATION Y  music: Vortis       
lyrics: Mike                   Weinstein    
In the battle of Seattle we're the cattle and the chattel, 
My my Generation Y 
I hear the death rattle, I hear the death rattle. 

We face a massive occupation from the techno-corporation, 
Body snatchers, clone hatchers; 
Wired hired tired? FIRED. 
Jump the career-ship? You goin' for an internship, 
Then you can proudly say, I have stuffed my resume. 

New World Order, cross the border, throw away your camcorder. 

Generation Y chasin' pie in the sky, 
Time to get down to earth, time for a rebirth; 
They'll burn you out, they'll churn you out, 
They'll globalize you, spit you out - 
Why don't you SHOUT? 

New World Order, cross the border, throw away your camcorder. 

Fight the power, every hour in the flower of your youth. 

We need a massive confrontation with the techno-corporation, 
To end the occupation, put a limit on frustration, 
On our spiritual castration, the overcomplication,< 
The world needs a re-creation! 

New World Order, cross the border, throw away your camcorder. 

Fight the power, every hour in the flower of your youth. 


FELLOW TRAVELER music:Vortis                          
lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  Fellow travelers unite 'cause we're headin' for a fight, 
We're gonna join the opposition, gonna take our positions, 
Gonna fight from every side, gonna tan the enemy's hide. 

FT, you're the boss; FT is never lost; 
FT wears the crown; Now take the enemy down. 

We face a deadly foe, a mean fuckin' ho; 
It's a beast with many names and it has a thousand shames; 
Capitalism, globalization, high technology, 
Whichever way you say it, it's a piece of scatology 
Scatology, scatology, scatology, SCATOLOGY!!!! 

Down take it down, gonna take the system down. (Repeat) 

FT, you're the boss.....  (Repeat) 

We fight from every side and we tan the enemy's hide, 
From the left, from the right, the foe is in our sights; 
From above, from below, we're gonna whup that fuckin' ho, 
Hit the beast in every way, show the ho there's hell to pay!! 

FT, you're the boss..... (Repeat) 

We travel with the anarchist, the fascist and the communist, 
With everyone who strikes a blow and fights against that fuckin'  ho; 
The purest opposition, takin' every position, 
We travel fast, we travel light, we're there to join the fight! 

FT, that's ME; FT, born to BE; 
FT wears the crown; Now take the enemy down. 

FT, you're the boss; FT is never lost; 
FT wears the crown; Now take the enemy down. 

Down take it down, gonna take the system down! (Repeat) 


UNABOMBER FIGHT SONG music:Vortis                         
lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  Unabomber Unabomber Fight Fight Fight, 
Unabomber Unabomber Dyn-o-mite! 

Scrapin' off the match head, another mother fuckin' technonerd is  dead, 
Or maybe got his hand blown off, my wakeup call to a nation goin' soft. 

Unabomber Unabomber Fight Fight Fight, 
Unabomber Unabomber Dyn-o-mite! 

I fight for freedom against technology, 
Don't make no compromise, 'cause compromise is our demise; 
They'll take it all from us, that's why I make a fuss; 
My special service, propaganda of the deed! 

Unabomber Unabomber Fight Fight Fight, 
Unabomber Unabomber Dyn-o-mite! 

FC, FC, FC, FC; FC, FC, FC, FC. 

We had to kill to get our message across, 
Or we'd have been faced with a total loss; 
We ain't gonna die nailed up on some cross, 
Genetic engineering is the boss, total loss! 


I fight for freedom..... 

Unabomber Unabomber Fight Fight Fight, 
Unabomber Unabomber Dyn-o-mite! 

Cisco Systems, Microsoft; 
We gonna blow those bastards off. (repeat several times) 

I fight for freedom..... 

Unabomber Unabomber Fight Fight Fight, 
Unabomber Unabomber Dyn-o-mite! 


AFRIKA music:Vortis                             
lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  Boom, boom, boom, it's a fight so show your might; 
Boom, boom, boom, put the system in your sights. 
Anarcho-opposition, take your position, 
Sweat shop, sweat shop, shop until you drop; 
Down take it down, gonna take the system down 
Down take it down, gonna take the system down. 

Diamonds for the world market from the RUF (Sierra Leone) 
Diamonds for the world market from the RUF (Sierra Leone) 

Foday Sankoh know which way the wind blow 
Mutilate your foe and make the rest of them hos. 

Tobacco for the world market from the veterans 
MUGABE, MUGABE. Tobacco for the world market from the veterans 

Robert Mugabe, the terror of Zimbabwe 
Send your thugs to the farms and do the white man harm. 

Bodies on the world's conscience from South Africa 
MBEKI MBEKI.  Bodies on the world's conscience from South Africa 

Thabo Mbeki isn't very techie 
He don't believe in HIV 
Says AIDS is caused by poverty. 

Bodies on the world's conscience from the old Congo 
Bodies on the world's conscience from the old Congo. 

Musaveni and Kagami sent their troops to Kisangani 
To repel Interahamwe; 
But they fell into a fued and they got very rude 
War in the city didn't look very pretty. 

Afrika, Afrika, say a little prayer for Afrika. 

lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  I was takin' a walk down Division Street, 
The sound from my headphones made me feel all-reet; 
The dude on the corner slipped me a joint, 
I ain't gonna work 'cause what's the point? 

White skin, black heart, some nigga upset my applecart, 
I've got a shit-eating grin won't play my part, 
Say when the revolution gonna start? 

Well bless my soul what's become of me, 
My head is buzzin' like a bumble bee; 
I just want to go out and play, 
The world can do without me for another day. 

White skin.... 

The present moment is drenched with bliss, 
My body's given me a big fat kiss; 
Praise Mother Nature for givin' us grass, 
Just be cool and cover your ass. 

White skin..... 

lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  Look at yourself, what do you see? 
A little bit of you, a little bit of me; 
Some poison for the body, some passion for the soul; 
That's the way we do it when the rap begins to roll. 

Ooh baby, when the rap begins to roll; 
Ooh Ooh baby, when the rap begins to roll; 
Oh, my my my, when the rap begins to roll; 
Ooh baby, when the rap begins to roll. 

I was headin' on out in my drop-top Caddie, 
Throwin' peace signs sayin' Hey pimp daddy; 
My name's White Nig, I'm from the Chitown scene, 
Bustin' up parties playin' mean and lean; 
I don't know where I'm goin' and I don't know where I've been, 
But it I do it to you tender, there's a world to win. 

Gangsta lean, gangsta lean, 
Some people burnin' up when they're hittin' the scene, 
Gangsta lean, gangsta lean, 
You never know the secret 'til you get away clean; 

Some poison for the body, some passion for the soul; 
That's the way we do it when the rap begins to roll. 

SURVIVOR  music: Vortis
lyrics: Mike Weinstein

  Boomelaka, boomelaka, rah, rah, rah 
Boomelaka, boomelaka, sis boom cha-cha-cha. 

The tribe has spoken, the barriers are broken, 
Boomelaka, boomelaka, rah, rah, rah. 
Who eats the rat? Which one's the cat? 
Boomelaka, boomelaka, sis boom cha-cha-cha. 

Wanna be a millionaire, maybe be a billionaire? 
Reality TV is the place to be. 
Are you the survivor, the fuck-your-ass conniver? 
The corporate trainer? Well that's a no-brainer. 

You watch them, you watch them, you watch them, you watch them; 
You watch them grub for money on the big wide screen. 
They're actin' like animals for visual cannibals 
Do anything for money, for money, FOR MONEY!!!! 
And you love them and you hate them and you'd like to imitate them: 
You make them celebrities, a carnival of vanities, 
Of vanities of vanities! 

Where's your sense of privacy, you stinkin' little turd 
Why you like to watch ‘em grub, you wretched little nerd? 
Obsessing over people whom you'll never even know, 
Taking riskless adventures on a TV show. 

Well, I'll tell you why, you little pile of shit, 
You identify with them and it gives you a hit; 
You'd like the money and the product endorsements, 
The product endorsements, THE PRODUCT ENDORSEMENTS!!! 
You'd like the fame and you'd feel no shame, 
Strippin' naked for the public, playing capitalism's game. 

But now it's only in your head and always will be ‘til you're dead; 
A voyeuristic pice of shit, taking his pathetic hit! 

Boomelaka boomelaka, rah, rah, rah; 
Boomelaka boomelaka sis boom cha-cha-cha. 

DYING BLUES music: Vortis
lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  I am the coolest cat in the United States. 
I'm over 50 and I tempt the fates. 
I know I'm gonna die every time I take a shit, 
Pass around the joint, I need another hit. 

I don't wanna no more, I don't wanna no more, 
I don't wanna no more, I don't wanna think of death no more. 

I've got the dying blues, the very worst kind: 
A dread disease, a tumor on the mind. 
I need another shot of rhythm and another heavy toke, 
But the ego still knows it's all a grand joke. 

I don't wanna no more, I don't wanna no more, 
I don't wanna no more, I don't wanna think of death no more. 

I am the prophet of death, disease and decay. 
Caress my cock, I need another lay! 
Sex, drugs rock'n'roll, 
Land of Goshen I'm your ace in the hole. 

I don't wanna no more, I don't wanna no more, 
I don't wanna no more, I don't wanna think of death no more. 

lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  Fuck the police, I don't mean kill 'em, 
Fuck the police, I just mean chill 'em, 
The boys in blue are running amok, 
Stop 'em in their tracks AND DON'T GIVE A FUCK! 

If you fit the profile, you're gonna be harrassed, 
Stopped and searched and thoroughly trashed; 
They might even put a broomstick up your ass,
Whatever goes down you're second class! 

(Chorus) Fuck the police... 

Bully, bully, bully, bully, bully, bully, BOO, 
Officer sadistic, how are you? 
So you think you're gonna nail me with a false arrest? 
You got another thing comin' 'cause I'm equal to the test; 
I know you got your uniform, your billy club and gun, 
Your handcuffs and your mace and a tazer that will stun; 
But I've got my wits and I've got my guts, 
I'll beat you every time 'cause you're fuckin' nuts. 

Mumia Abu-Jamal, Know what I'm sayin"? 
I ain't yo' pal; 
I'm officer friendly and you offed a cop, 
Know what I'm sayin'? 
You gonna drop. 
You think yo' lefty friends gonna save you man? 
They don't care about you, you just part of their plan. 
So, you sit here snivelling, a pail of slop, 
We gonna toss you in the chair and you gonna drop. 

Now let me tell you sumfin, you allowed to off a cop; 
But pay the price like a man, be prepared to drop! 

(Chorus) Fuck the police... 

lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  I'm a shade-tree mechanic, I'm a jackleg on the roof, 
I cruise around the country roads, it all may be a spoof. 
Got a dog, got a gun, my wife she is a nurse, 
I got the best of everything, but my life is in reverse. 
Oh No! 

I'm proud to be a redneck, I was a New York Jew, 
I take my zen with a PBR, find satori after a few. 
I would not miss a drive at night with cannabis in my veins, 
Or settin' by a cracklin' stove blastin' out my brains. 
Oh No! 

All you need's a stereo to pick up the Indy sound, 
And a K-Mart and a Kroger where you can shop around. 
Ameriky gives you a kiss when you're in Layfeeyet, 
Am I a Hoosier patriot, well fuck your ass you bet. 
Oh No! 

Winter's here the days are short, the snow's begun to fly, 
But the Indieana redneck's not one who's known to cry. 
He raises hell like the southern man, but he's got the Yankee's grit, 
He's got the best of everything and he does not give a shit. 
Oh No! 

lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  The black helicopters comin' down, comin' down, 
New World Order gonna claim this clown; 
Wigger in the woodpile, kike to boot, 
Fuck the militia, rootie toot toot. 

I'm bad, I'm sad, but wouldn't you believe that I'm also glad? 
The end is comin', the reckonin' is near, 
They did it in Waco, they'll do it right here. 

Take a right, take a flight to Oklahoma City, 
That's where the homeboys are nitty, shitty, gritty; 
There's a war goin' on, if you didn't know it, 
The fascists are here and we're gonna blow it. 

Hail, hail to the oven Jew, I'm the Son of Satan, how do you do? 
The Son of Satan wouldn't ever have been, 
If it hadn't been for anti-Semitism; 
So, here I am, a fuckin' no account Jew, 
Don't tread on me or I'll stomp on you. 

Fuck off! Get off my case White Aryan Nations, 
Get off my case black Nation of Islam, 
Get off my case, jack-booted, black-suited Federal thug: 
Get off fuckin' case! 

Get off my fuckin' case, get off my fuckin' case, 
Get off my mmmmmmmmMother fuckin' case. 

DESERT STORM music: Vortis
lyrics:   Mike Weinstein
  Saddam Hussein, he's a fuckin' pain; 
The man's insane, got war on the brain. 

Presidential palaces are ornamental phalluses 
To cover up the callouses of Tikrit's Hell! 
Presidential palaces are ornamental phalluses 
To cover up the callouses of Tikrit's Hell! 

Saddam, Saddam, he don't give a damn, 
The people of Iraq know how to take flak. 

Saddam, Saddam, he don't give a damn, 
He'll beat the G7 and go straight to heaven. 

He invaded Kuwait, it wasn't very bright; 
He gassed the Kurds, who cares?, they're turds. 
And now he gets to play with a no-fly zone 
And economic sanctions cut Iraq to the bone. 
But, no more UNSCOM, no more UNSCOM, 
He's free to make weapons of mass destruction. 

Beware George Bush, revenge is on the way 
For your father's sins, Saddam will make you pay! 

SURF TEL AVIV music: Vortis
lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  Intifada in Bethlehem, they're throwin' stones then the tanks come in; 
Meanwhile on a sunny shore, the beautiful people are sick of the war. 
Fanatical settlers throwing rocks while the politicians suck their cocks; 
Meanwhile on a sunny shore, the beautiful people are sick of the war. 

Surf Tel Aviv, Surf Tel Aviv. 

Israel's ripping itself apart, tearing out its human heart; 
Say a little prayer for the promised land, where the not-so-chosen 
  people take their stand. 
Jew against Arab, Jew against Jew, me for me, you for you, 
Meanwhile on a sunny shore the beautiful people are sick of the war. 

Surf Tel Aviv (Never Again!) (repeat 8 times) 

lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  Fuck, fuck, fuck the human race. 
We want androids in its place. 
We hate our condition in the world. 

We want clones and robots too, 
We'll make a fuck doll just for you. 
We hate our condition in the world. 

Technology will kill us off, 
And we won't even fight. 
The cyborg soon will rule the world. 
We'll let them, just for spite. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck the human race. 
We want androids in its place. 
We hate our condition in the world. 

We want clones and robots too, 
We'll make a fuck doll just for you. 
We hate our condition in the world. 

We hate our condition in the world. 

DEMOCRACY music: Vortis
lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  The Philippine mob elected Estrada 
Then he stole them blind. 
The Italians voted for Berlusconi 
A crook of the populist kind. 

Democracy, democracy, hang your head in shame; 
For all our false hopes and false fears democracy's to blame. 

Well let me tell you somethin' 'bout democracy; 
The fuckin' thing's a fraud that's plain to see. 
There's no way an electorate can ever be free, 
The only fuckin' answer is anarchy! 

Down with democracy, down with the bitch; 
Democracy's a tool of the filthy rich. 
Down with democracy, down with the bitch; 
It's time to take it down and we'll pull the switch. 

Down with democracy.... 

The American people elected Bush 
So he could hand them to the fuckin' corporations; 
The Israeli people voted in Sharon 
So he could hand them to a fuckin' conflagration. 

Democracy, democracy, hang your head in shame; 
For all our false hopes and false fears democracy's to blame. 

Down with democracy, down with the bitch; 
Democracy's a tool of the filthy rich. 
Down with democracy, down with the bitch; 
It's time to take it down and we'll pull the switch. 

Down with democracy.... 
Democracy, democracy.... 

LOST VEGAS music: Vortis
lyrics: Mike Weinstein
  Viva Las Vegas in the valley of the sun, 
You come with your money and you leave with none; 
Blackjack, pai gow, the company dole, 
The house, the car, put it all on a roll. 

The new Las Vegas is like Disneyland, 
A mecca for depressives where everything's canned; 
When you're in Vegas you pretend to have fun, 
When you get home you'll be under the gun. 

Viva Las Vegas, dream you're gonna play us, 
Elvis sells us, America pays us. 
Viva Las Vegas, dream you're gonna play us, 
Elvis sells us, America pays us. 

Clang, clang, cling, billeep! 
Sounds of winning? 
The streets are so straight and clean, no garbage, none. 
A fabricated chimera built to entice; sitting in another bar, 
But its the same sound, same lights, same processed air: 
Nothing here is real, nothing here is real. 

Nothing here is real, who will cut the deal? 
You beg, you borrow, you steal, but nothing here is real. 
Nothing here is real, who will cut the deal? 
You beg, you borrow, you steal, but nothing here is real. 

Viva Las Vegas, dream you're gonna play us, 
Elvis sells us, America pays us. 
Viva Las Vegas, dream you're gonna play us, 
Elvis sells us, America pays us. 

