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  Vortis vortanim.gif   Warzone 
Lyrics: Mike Weinstein
Music: Vortis


1-Down With The Democratic System
2-Co-Dependent Masochism
3-Free The Detainees
4-Join The Caravan
7-Punk Never Has The Blues
8-Curse Of Communalism
9-Race To The Bottom
10-War Zone
11-Writhing on the Rack

12-Queer Revolution
13-Left Of The Dial
14-Resource Wars
15-Age of Consent
16-Power Vacuum
17-We All Need Nukes
Existential Journey: A Punk Opera
   18-To Be or Not
   20-Absolute Zero (Shiva Hero)
Down With The Democratic System
They tell us that it really matters
Which one of them will win,
They tell us that we should believe
Their every dirty rotten spin.
Down with the democratic system,
One party with two right wings;
Down with the democratic system,
It's all over and the fat lady sings.
You know they're fighting a sham battle
For our worthless votes;
There's not a sheep among them,
All of them are stinking goats.

War Zone

We're all in the cage, we're all in a rage,
We're all in the war zone now.
The bell has tolled, the heads have rolled,
The world is a war zone now.

It's time to mount resistance, they've done it in Iraq;
We'll fight the rearguard action, then we'll spring to the attack.

They've made their play but we're here to stay,
We're all in the war zone now.
They didn't count on a bloody rout,
The world is a war zone now.

Their precious plans for empire dissolve in clouds of smoke;
Their strategy for plunder is just a grisly joke.
We'll strike at our convenience in any way we choose;
And we have found they're losing ground, yes they are doomed to lose.

The blowback's here and they cringe with fear,
We're all in the war zone now.
We're fedayeen at the heart of the scene,
The world is a war zone now.

The giants fall when we heed the call,
We're all in the war zone now.
And we can see our victory,
The world is a war zone now.

Join The Caravan

It's time to join the caravan, stand up for Allah and be a man;
Whether you're strong or weak or infirm, you can contribute to Allah's plan. We're gonna expel the infidel from all the holy places,
We're gonna expel the infidel and send him straight to hell! Jihad's the name of the game, Jihad is a burning flame;
Jihad's the name of the game, think of what the world would be if all the faithful came. Allah has made us co-gerents in the earth, the will of Allah is the creative truth;
Surrender and be steadfast, you will find your worth, insh'allah we will have our rebirth.

We're gonna expel the infidel from all the holy places,
We're gonna expel the infidel and send him straight to hell!

Jihad's the name of the game, Jihad is a burning flame;
Jihad's the name of the game, think of what the world would be if all the faithful came.


Lost in the crowd, the noise is too loud,
Can't find my voice, they give me no choice;
The strife of mankind plunges deep in my mind,
It tears me apart, it blows up my heart.

My brain is cracking, getting such a whacking
From the voices in my head.
War of terror, can't detect the error,
The voices want me dead.

Propaganda, always such a slander,
Discourse of abuse.
Words deceive me, no one can perceive me,
It's all a bloody ruse.

My double is here, bringing hatred and fear,
The fascist's inside, there's no place to hide;
The war in my soul, throws me out of control,
Without is within, all I hear is a din!

Punk Never Has The Blues

Punk never has the blues,
It fights against the system even when it's doomed to lose;
With its raucous contempt
Punk will never relent:
Punk never has the blues!

My girl friend left me, I don't care;
Sure I'm shocked, it's hard to bear;
But I'm a certified feminist,
I take my lumps, I make my hits.

We All Need Nukes

I want to join the nuclear club,
I want to have my own suitcase bomb;
Then I'll be safe from any attack,
I'll have my way with perfect aplomb.

We all need nukes, we all need nukes!
Mass proliferation.
We all need nukes, we all need nukes!
Pack up the plantation.
We all need to have a perfect defense,
We are encircled by our enemies;
We need to keep our unique ways of life,
There's only one way that we can be free.
We all need nukes, we all need nukes!
Mass proliferation.
We all need nukes, we all need nukes!
Pack up the plantation.
The world will end, because I need safety.
Security, security, security, security!!!
Scars on the land, phone in your hand;
Making a deal, making a steal;
Rape of the earth, but there'll be no rebirth;
Industrial destruction, suicide construction!!!
But the earth fights back, the earth fights back,
The earth fights back, the earth fights back.
Overgrowth, overgrowth, smothering in overgrowth;
Overgrowth, overgrowth, smothering in overgrowth;
Overgrowth, overgrowth, smothering in overgrowth;
Overgrowth, overgrowth, SMOTHERING IN OVERGROWTH!!!
Challenging forth from the standing reserve;
Nature enframed in a forest preserve;
Outside and above, all is power, no love;
The triumph of will is our poison pill.
Race To The Bottom
Gorging yourself on the blight of consumption,
What a presumption, you've got a lot of gumption;
People in sweatshops in forgotten lands,
We are all in capitalism's hands.
Race to the bottom, race to the bottom,
If you knew you'd lose your job, you'd never have bought them;
Race to the bottom, race to the bottom,
Now you're drowning in your debt, now you know you lost your bet.
Takin' profits wherever they can make them,
They have no loyalty, economic royalty;
Moving production where there's least protection,
You become the victim of a market correction.
Race to the bottom, race to the bottom,
If you knew you'd lose your job, you'd never have bought them;
Race to the bottom, race to the bottom,
Now you're drowning in your debt, now you know you lost your bet.
Whassup? you little slave of the market,
They've got the cash, they know where to park it;
You were their friend when you had bills to spend,
Now you got your hand out, they won't lend.
Race to the bottom, race to the bottom,
If you knew you'd lose your job, you'd never have bought them;
Race to the bottom, race to the bottom,
Now you're drowning in your debt, now you know you lost your bet.

Resource Wars
We thought we could claim this land for our own
And all the treasures beneath it;
Then the troops marched in with the paramilitaries
To massacre and defeat us.
Resource wars, a lure for the poor;
Resource wars, we thought we were sure.
Surplus bodies pile up over the earth,
The globalists don't give a damn;
They'd be happy if most of them were dead,
For them it's all a scam.
Resource wars for our place in the sun;
Profits to the warlords from the barrel of a gun.
Fighting in failed states for whatever you can get,
The resource rich rebel against the rest;
The rest fight back with the power of the state,
Leaving genocide in their wake.
Resource wars, a lure for the poor;
Resource wars, we thought we were sure;
Resource wars for our place in the sun;
Profits to the warlords from the barrel of a gun.
Queer Revolution
We're in the fight for polymorphous perversity,
Anything goes, there's no he, there's no she;
The queer revolution's gonna liberate us all,
After the fall, we're gonna ball, gonna ball.
Queer revolution we're gonna make it stick,
Queer revolution present your prick;
Occupying all of the erogenous zones,
The power of the people is in our bones.
The body is a pleasure palace we will never flee,
Sexual orientation must be absolutely free;
All you need for ecstasy is creativity,
We make the revolution for promiscuity.
Queer revolution we're gonna make it rock,
Queer revolution present your cock;
Occupying all of the erogenous zones,
The power of the people is in our bones.
Co-Dependent Masochism

You say you're bored with what we do,
I answer, you don't have a clue;
I get a thrill when you dis me,
You love it when we disagree.

Co-dependent masochism, secondary gain;
Co-dependent masochism, it is all too plain;
Co-dependent masochism, secondary gain;
Co-dependent masochism, pleasure in the pain.

We have been victims of abuse,
We mesh because we are obtuse;
We bare the scars of our bad luck,
That's why we fight and then we fuck.

Co-dependent masochism, secondary gain;
Co-dependent masochism, it is all too plain;
Co-dependent masochism, secondary gain;
Co-dependent masochism, pleasure in the pain.
Left Of The Dial
I turn my radio on to the left of the dial
Where I can listen to every underground style:
Punk, ska, hardcore, reggae and rap,
Absolute freedom from the corporate trap.
I never take myself to the right of ninety-two,
The land of oligopoly where no one has a clue;
Pop-rock, R&B, classic-rock crap,
I'll never get caught in their corporate trap.
Fug Clear Channel, Fug Clear Channel
The forces are massed on the two sides of the dial
Where politics resolve into a war of style;
Life - death, truth -l ies - there's the divide,
The culture wars go down, you've got to choose your side.
Curse Of Communalism
Living in the same place, different language, different race;
Age-old bloodtides burst into genocide.
Curse of communalism, curse of communalism, curse of communalism,
Dirty joke on humanism.
From the first diaspora, coming out of Africa;
The primal separation causes pseudo-speciation.
Curse of communalism, curse of communalism, curse of communalism,
Dirty joke on humanism.
Now that we are globalized, communal strife is maximized;
Look to all the continents, hear the agonized laments.
Curse of communalism, curse of communalism, curse of communalism,
Dirty joke on humanism.
Free The Detainees
Enemy combatants in a law-free zone,
At the mercy of their captors, isolated and alone.
Sleep deprivation, cruel interrogation,
No date of release, not a moment of peace.
Free the detainees, free the detainees;
Liberate the prisoners, bring the tyrant to his knees.
Free the detainees, free the detainees;
Raze the concentration camps, burn their cruel decrees.

Power Vacuum

Danger, threat power vacuum, where there's no center the world is a tomb;
Until new life emerges from the womb, the fires of war will continue to consume.

States rush in to fill the void, populations mobilized, armies deployed;
Every kind of weapon is ruthlessly employed, civilization will be destroyed.

American supremacy ground to dust, states rush in, they know that they must,
The earth becomes a burnt out crust, the world will go from boom to bust!
Writhing on the Rack
Between the body and the soul is the personality,
A battleground deserving all of our charity;
Improbable creatures caught in our vice,
For the pleasures that we get, we pay the steepest price.
The soul comes in to pull the body back,
The body takes revenge and puts us on the rack.
Life is a fight where you strike with all your might,
You know it doesn't matter whether you are wrong or right.
Life is a fight where you strike with all your might,
You know it doesn't matter whether you are wrong or right.
Indifference and engagement make our personality,
We try to strike a balance and achieve harmony;
The first is expansive and the second contracts,
Billions of people writhing on the rack.
The soul comes in to pull the body back,
The body takes revenge and puts us on the rack.
Life is a fight where you strike with all your might,
You know it doesn't matter whether you are wrong or right.
Life is a fight where you strike with all your might,
You know it doesn't matter whether you are wrong or right.
Age of Consent
They tell you that you're free at twenty-one,
You may even think that you're the fortunate son;
You can choose to drink, you can choose to smoke,
You can choose a mate, but it's still a joke.
Don't tell me nothin' 'bout the age of consent,
It's been 41 years and I still lament;
Freedom in society's not liberty at all,
You've still got to bend, you're still gonna fall.
The age of consent is the age that you die,
And after then there's nothing, so just take it on the fly;
Before you die, you're caught in a web,
And that's the way it is, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb.
Existential Journey: A Punk Opera      ACT ONE                                     
To Be or Not
I get up in the morning, it's a question of do or die,
Do I take myself out or go into the world and try.
The only existential is the body for me,
Everything else is only superfluity;
The only existential is the body for me,
To be or not to be!
I'm stranded with the knowledge of my insignificance,
I'm the center of my world, but I've got to do the other's dance.
The only existential is the body for me,
Should I try to overcome the spirit of gravity?
The only existential is the body for me,
To be or not to be!
Life or Death, Life or Death, Life or Death, Life or Death

 back up to Warzone song titles

Existential Journey: A Punk Opera    ACT TWO
I'm stranded in my body and I don't care if I live or die,
Sometimes I laugh like a clown, sometimes I raise an anguished cry.
I've got to choose the way that I'm going to go,
Thanatos and Eros push me to and fro;
I've got to choose the way that I'm going to go,
In this world of sorrow
Will I be alive tomorrow?

 back up to Warzone song titles

Existential Journey: A Punk Opera     ACT THREE
Absolute Zero (Shiva Hero)
 We're all gonna die and it doesn't matter,
Everything that is is gonna shatter;
The judgment of the world is a crock of shit,
The only thing the world can do is give you a hit;
The world is nothing, I am nothing,
Absolute Zero, Shiva Hero!
If you don't have vitality, you only have a will,
And the will without pleasure is a bitter pill;
You get dragged down to the pits of suicide,
Everything is worthless though you tried and you tried;
The body can go, then I will go,
Absolute Zero, Shiva Hero!
The will is not enough to make me want to live,
There is just so much enthusiasm I can give;
Nature gives grace when the vital promptings rise,
Unbidden and unmerited, an arbitrary prize;
The world is nothing, I am nothing,
Absolute Zero, Shiva Hero!
Existential Journey: A Punk Opera     ACT FOUR


That's life baby, you're dealt a hand so play,
That's life baby, you're idiotic if you pray.

Atheism, atheism ain't a drag, you work to accept it then you've got it in the bag;
Atheism, atheism ain't a drag, you give the world the bird 'cause you've got it in the bag.

That's life baby, religion is our enemy.
That's life baby, you can't be faithful and be free.

Atheism, atheism.....

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