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Christ calls us all to be Missionaries!

Christ's final words to His Apostles were words of sending out: 'Go and make disciples of all the nations; baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'. We are all called, in our everyday lives to be missionaries for Christ: to our families, our friends and to our workmates. Some are called to literally go out to another place, even another part of the world: and not just Priests and Religious! Lay people too are called to cross-cultural mission. A number of members of C&S have been sent by Jesus, on Mission, to do His work in other cultures and in the local community of Bathurst.

Now, go on mission to...

Mission Sunday Address

The Address given in the Cathedral Parish on the occasion of Mission Sunday 2002

Tarawa, Kiribati

The Republic of Kiribati located in the Central Pacific

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This site was last updated 16/09/03