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Way of the Cross

The Rosary if one of the greatest treasures of Catholic tradition. Learn to pray it, meditate on the life of Christ and read why Pope John Paul says it's his favourite prayer. Walk with Christ through the last hours of his life- take up your cross and follow Him. Rediscover the victory won for us in His death and resurrection. 

Prayer of the Church

Common Catholic Prayers

The Liturgy of the Hours is the Primary prayer of the Catholic Church other than the Mass- it's centre is the psalms. Our catholic heritage has gifted us with many beautiful and powerful prayers. Find them here and pray the prayers Christians have prayed for centuries.

Prayer of St. Therese

How to go to Confession

The prayer of the little flower: C&S's patroness


How to prepare for the sacrament of Penance and what to say.

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This site was last updated 16/09/03