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Lebanese Communist Students Web Community

Established on November, 16th 2002

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Letter to Student Syndicate - Spain

Dear Comrades

First we would like to thank you for your contact and your letter, which truly expresses a strong concern about class and freedom struggle, with a clear Marxist character and methodology.


We would be very glad to get to know you and to cooperate with you. Unfortunately, we have only few English written documents about us (see attachment). I will try to communicate who we are, and what is our program.


We are Lebanese Communist Students, a grassroots organization present in the schools and universities of Lebanon. We are the biggest youth leftist organization in Lebanon. We are part of the alternative leftist movement in Lebanon, whose main struggle is for democracy, secularism and national sovereignty in our country and in the Arab world. We live under dictators and kings who do not respect the rights of their people. They serve only their interests and those of foreign powers. That is why we consider our fight as one against imperialism and corporate globalization, and towards a socialist society. Thus the importance of the cooperation between all the revolutionary movements around the world.

Attached is an Open Letter we presented to the Arab League Summit held in Beirut in March 2002. It helps explain our view.


On the ideological part, we conceive that democracy is very fundamental, in our internal relations or in the country as a whole. That is why we strongly reject Stalinism and oligarchy, two aspects of the Lebanese Communist Party. Many of us are still members of the LCP, but are strongly opposing the current ideological trend. We see communism as a vast and rich political and ideological sphere, and the organization as a flexible and democratic one. That is why we have Trotskyites, Leninists, Communist Reformers, Green Communists… all working together in the Lebanese Communist Students. Attached is an article about the LCP's opposition, of which we are part.


As for the war issue, we are strongly opposed to war on Iraq. We are organizing a big rally in Beirut (the capital), followed by a concert, on the 15th of February, under the slogan "No War! No Dictatorship!". We have done many strikes, and a big national conference and workshops, under the same slogans.

Our main targets are:

-Pressure Lebanon and the Arab governments to actively object this war, and not to let the US use their lands to launch attacks. Lebanon is actually the president of the Arab League, and Syria is the actual Arab member of the UN Security Council.

-Stress that we should not oppose or even conceive the war based on Islamic or religious beliefs. It is an imperial war for oil.

-We should not defend the Iraqi regime. It is one of the worst dictatorships in the region.

-Strengthen the international solidarity and anti-war movement. International struggle is the key tool for stopping the war.


Here is a salute to the Spanish people. Feel free to use other parts in the above text too.



Dear Comrades in Spain

            The US tendency to ensure full control over the whole world is clearer than ever. This trend was first established in 1991 in our region, during the first Bush-Saddam war, and is now coming back, after destroying many other countries and peoples around the globe. US imperialism is striking Iraq, for its oil, without any concern for international treaties, citizens' will, national determinism, thousands of human lives, environmental impact or other governments and huge popular objections.

            The world is reverting back to the law of the jungle. Might is right. All peoples' and workers' struggles for global justice and an egalitarian world are threatened.

            In this situation, we can not but condemn the silence and immobility of the Arab governments, and their total compliance with the war preparations. Our countries are completely obedient to the US, and we are struggling to regain back our national sovereignty. We are also surprised by the positions of some governments, like the Spanish one, supposedly belonging to the world of democracy and human rights. Theses governments have chosen their narrow interests on behalf of all human charts.

            Dear Comrades, we salute your struggle against war and against your government decision, and we will always work hand in hand towards a world of justice and peace: NO WAR! NO DICTATORSHIP!

Lebanese Communist Students



Dear comrades, the change begins in our countries. You have a key role to play, since Spain is member of the UN Security Council, and is currently backing the war.

Keep the fight!


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