The Bush
Adminsitration wants the United States to start a “preventive” war,
absolutly unjust, that will only increase the danger in wich the american
people and the rest of the world lives. Meanwhile the public health and
educational sistems, the enviroment and the economy are ignore. Its time for
the youth and the students to go an step forward for the future!
As students and youth, our futures will be shaped by the actions that the
Bush administration takes today. A US attack on Iraq will inevitably:
• Endanger the lives of US servicemen and women
• Increase the suffering of the Iraqi people while slaughtering thousands of
innocent people
• Encourage terror attacks against the US around the world and at home
• Be used as an excuse to erode civil liberties
• Divert resources from education and social services
• Subvert historical precedent and international law
The leftwing student´s organizations signing this manifest call for a
Student´s General Strike in our countries on the 5th of march to show our
desagreement to the war that the Bush Administration is preparing against
the Irakui people and wich main objective is the greed for Irak´s Petrol.
With the excuse of the posesion of mass destruction weapons by the Irakui
goverment and his links to the Al-Quaeda terrorist network- extremes that
the UN inspectors havent prove wet- the imperialism is preparing his war
machine to make “scorch-earth” of a population already devastated by years
of criminal blockade. This is the classical imperialist war for the control
of the markets and the primal resources, in this case the petrol. Irak has
the second biggest petrol reserves known after Saudi Arabia. The american
and international bourgeoisie are very concerned about the international
economical crisis, and thats why the U.S.A needs to control the middle-east.
The real aim of this war is the falling of Sadam Husein´s regime and the
stablishment of a fake goverment totally dependent of american imperialism,
so they can control Irak´s petrol without problems. Also, the american
imperialism, showing his despotic and opressive nature wants to show all the
world that does who defy him will suffer war and destrucction.
We opose this imperialist war in any case, launched by the USA alone or with
the support of the UN. The Sadam Husein´s dictatorship is of course a brutal
and oppresive regime that the workers and youth all around the world must
oppose. |