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Key Concepts Learned Throughout the Program

Librarianship as a C A R E E R

C ommunication

During the time spent in this program, one of the key concepts learned was the importance of communication . Here are a few examples:

A cquire

Acquiring materials, data, or information is a second key concept. Examples of this concepts are as follows:

R eference

A third key concept learned in this program was reference. This was an extremely important concept within my program of study. Several courses in the program were of this type. Examples are included as follows:

E valuate

The fourth concept learned in this program is Evaluation. In general, the ability to evaluate is important for every aspect of this program. Examples are as follows:

E ducate

The fifth concept learned in this program is to educate. This is especially important for an academic librarian. All of the courses provided opportunities to educate each other via threaded discussions because many students were in various states, as well as other countries (I am currently in Canada), and military bases. Other examples include the following:

R esearch

A sixth concept learned in this program is research. The term research can be used to describe finding materials about something, such as "I need to research materials before I buy a new car." Research can also be used to describe the work done in ILS 680-Evaluation and Research, which is called basic research. Examples of both are as follows:

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Prepared as part of the requirements for the Master of Library Science Degree
Department of Information and Library Science
School of Communication Information and Library Science
Southern Connecticut State University