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All of the courses taken in this program have been important in helping prepare me for becoming a professional librarian. My ultimate goal is to become a reference librarian in an academic institution or a medical library with my experience and training in work and education.

Throughout this program many skills have been learned, including writing web pages in HTML, evaluation of print and electronic materials, educating others with various projects and discussions, answering reference questions in various fields, the importance of aquiring proper materials for a library's collection, and learning about the research process for writing a basic research article and a research proposal.

Several important concepts have been learned throughout the program as well as for the Capstone Project, which included:

This has led to my desire to choose Librarianship as a CAREER!

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Prepared as part of the requirements for the Master of Library Science Degree
Department of Information and Library Science
School of Communication Information and Library Science
Southern Connecticut State University