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Sources of Financial Aid for Graduate Students


Titles Money for graduate students in the biological & health sciences

Money for graduate students in the physical & earth sciences

Money for graduate students in the social & behavioral sciences

Money for graduate students in the humanities
Year 2001-2003
Publisher El Dorado Hills, CA: Reference Services Press
Primary Use The primary use of this set of sources is to find financial aid for graduate students.
Types of Information Provided These sources provide information for fellowships, grants, awards, as well as other funding information for graduate students. In addition, they include a small section with other books to use for finding financial aid.

These sources provide the name of the aid, contact information, purpose of the aid, eligibility, amount of the award, duration of the award, the number of awards, and the deadline for applying.
Search Indexes Provided The source provides indexes for the sponsoring organization, residency, tenability, subject, and deadlines.
Authority Reference Service Press has published several books on this topic.
Strengths Most of the entries include Internet and e-mail addresses.
Weaknesses It appears that the coverage is only for the United States.
Unique Aspects The fact that this source helps lead you to other publishers books is a surprise.

Title The graduate student's complete scholarship book
Year 1998
Publisher Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, Inc.
Primary Use The primary use is to find scholarships for graduate students
Types of Information Provided Areas included are Business, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Humanities, Medicine, Science, Social Sciences, and Vocational education. It provides information for special criteria including Athletics, Diabilities, Ethnic, Military, Religion, Women, and GPA requirements.

It provides the name of the scholarship, amount for the scholarship, the deadline, fields/majors for the aid, a very brief description, and contact information.
Search Indexes Provided A Major/Career Index, Special Criteria Index, and a School Index are included in the source.
Authority On the back cover, it states that the source was compiled by Student Services, L.L.C., which is a “leading scholarship research firm in the nation.”
Strengths It might be a good place to find some places for financial aid.
Weaknesses The descriptions are VERY brief and the symbols could be useful for some people, but it would seem that they could have split the sources of aid by discipline.
Unique Aspects The symbols for the different disciplines are unique.

Title The Grants Register: The Complete Guide to Postgraduate Funding Worldwide
Year 2003
Publisher London: Palgrave Macmillian
Primary Use The primary use of this source is to find grants for graduate students (mostly doctoral students).
Types of Information Provided The source provides the names of institutions that give grants, contact information, the names of the grants, subjects for the grants, the purpose of the grants, eligibility, level of study (Graduate, Doctorate, etc.), type of aid, amount given, frequency, place of study, number of awards, application procedure, deadline, and how the aid is funded.
Search Indexes Provided There is a subject index, an index of the awards given, discontinued awards, and the organizations awarding aid.
Authority The source provided by a well known publisher has been used for decades in order to find aid for postgraduate work.
Strengths This source provides the most international coverage of the sources viewed.
Weaknesses The alphabetical listing is nice, but perhaps it would be easier to use if it was organized by topic or field.
Unique Aspects This is a British publication, which provides a different slant to financial aid than the publications for the United States.

Title Dan Cassidy's worldwide graduate scholarship directory by Dan Cassidy
Year 2000
Publisher Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press
Primary Use The source provides information for financial aid for graduate students on a worldwide level.
Types of Information Provided Provides the financial aid information for all fields for graduate students, which is organized as many college web sites (by schools or colleges within the institution, such as the College of Business). It also provides listings of other materials for finding financial aid.

It provides the name of the aid, the contact information, the amount provided, deadlines, field of study, and a brief description.
Search Indexes Provided There is a quick find index, a field of study index, and an alphabetical index in the source.
Authority According to the book, the information is compiled by the “largest private sector financial aid research service in the world.”
Strengths The fact that it is international in nature is a strength in itself.
Weaknesses Once again, the organization of this book could be better. The publisher does not clearly show a user how the book is organized by College of Business and so forth.
Unique Aspects The quick find index is a good way to find various types of aid, which are not necessarily organized by a major in college.

Title Free money for graduate school
Year 2000
Publisher New York: Facts on File
Primary Use The source provides sources of financial aid for graduate students.
Types of Information Provided The source is organized by field of study. The fields include Humanities and Social Sciences; Biological and Agricultural Sciences; Physical Sciences and Mathematics; Engineering and Applied Sciences; Business, Education, Health, and Law; Women Only, Women Preferred, Women’s Studies; Ethnic Only, Ethnic Preferred, Foreign Nationals; Study/Research Abroad; and All Areas of Study.

The source provides the name of the institution providing the aid, the contact information, a brief description, the restrictions, the number and amount given, application information, and the deadlines for applications.
Search Indexes Provided There is a general index for the source.
Authority Facts on File is a common publisher for reference materials for libraries.
Strengths It appears to cover a wide variety of fields of study for graduate school.
Weaknesses It seems that the humanities and social sciences should be split. This source provides some WWW addresses, but it does not include e-mail.
Unique Aspects The layout of the book is unique, in that the name of the institution providing aid and the contact information are on the left side of the page with the other information on the right. Other sources provide a block form of organization.

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Prepared as part of the requirements for the Master of Library Science Degree
Department of Information and Library Science
School of Communication Information and Library Science
Southern Connecticut State University