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Sources of Financial Aid for Special Groups


Title Directory of financial aids for women
Year 2003-2005
Publisher Santa Barbara, CA: Reference Service Press
Primary Use Provides financial aid information specifically for women.
Types of Information Provided The source provides information for fellowships, grants, awards, as well as other funding information for graduate students. In addition, in includes a small section with other books to use for finding financial aid.

The source provides the name of the aid, contact information, purpose of the aid, eligibility, financial data, duration of the award, the number of awards, and the deadline for applying.
Search Indexes Provided The source provides indexes for the sponsoring organization, residency, tenability, subject, and deadlines.
Authority Reference Service Press has published several books about financial aid.
Strengths Most of the entries include Internet and e-mail addresses.
Weaknesses It appears that the coverage is only for the United States.
Unique Aspects The fact that it provides financial aid information specifically for women is fantastic because it appears to be a key source for this area of financial aid.

Title 2002 national directory of scholarships, internships, and fellowships for latino youth
Year 2002
Publisher Washington DC: Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Primary Use The source provides sources of financial aid for latino students.
Types of Information Provided The source provides information for scholarships, internships, and fellowships. The source also includes a few pages with information about writing essays, resumes, and top colleges for Hispanics.
The source includes the name of the aid, a brief description, and contact information.
Search Indexes Provided There are indexes for scholarships, internships, and fellowships included in the source.
Authority This is a key non-profit Hispanic educational organization that was started in 1976 by five Hispanic Congressmen.
Strengths The source provides a valuable source of financial aid information for this growing minority group in the United States.
Weaknesses The descriptions are quite brief. They should include more information, such as the application deadlines and in some cases, the amount of the awards given.
Unique Aspects Provides a list of institutions that serve Hispanic students, which provides some ideas of where to apply.

Title Financial aid for veterans, military personnel and their dependents
Date 2002-2004
Publisher El Dorado Hills, CA: Reference Service Press
Primary Use The source provides sources of financial aid for veterans, military personnel, and their dependents.
Types of Information Provided The source includes scholarships, fellowships, loans, grants-in-aid, and awards. There are also suggestions for other sources of information.

The source provides the name of the aid, contact information, the purpose of the aid, eligibility for the aid, amount of the aid, the number awarded, and the deadline.
Search Indexes Provided There are several indexes including a program title index, a sponsoring organization index, a residency index, a tenability index, subject index, and a calendar index.
Authority Reference Service Press appears to be a leader in reference source for financial aid.
Strengths The source provides a place for these groups to find financial aid in a clear and easy way. It appears to be the best source available in this area.
Weaknesses Perhaps they could have organized the source by the group served.
Unique Aspects The books is organized by type of aid, and by group served within each type of aid.

Title College student’s guide to merit and other no-need funding, by Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David Weber
Date 2002-2004
Publisher San Carlos, CA: Reference Service Press
Primary Use The source provides sources of financial aid that is not based on financial need.
Types of Information Provided The source is organized by subject of study, such as the sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. There is also a section of aid for any subject.

The source provides the name of the aid, the contact information, the purpose of the aid, the eligibility for the aid, the amount of the aid, the duration of the aid, special features of the aid, the number awarded, and the deadline.
Search Indexes Provided The source includes a program title index, a sponsoring organization index, a residency index, a tenability index, a subject index, and a calendar index.
Authority Reference Service Press is a leader in the field of reference material for financial aid.
Strengths The strength lies in the variety of field covered in the source.
Weaknesses The source provides information for business, medicine and law, but this is not clear in the table of contents.
Unique Aspects This appears to be the only source of its type (aid based on merit), rather than financial need.

Title Financial aid for the disabled and their families, by Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David Weber.
Date 2002-2004
Publisher Redwood City, CA: Reference Service Press
Primary Use The source provides sources of financial aid for people with disabilities.
Types of Information Provided The source includes scholarships, fellowships, loans, grants-in-aid, and awards. The source is organized by type of disability. There are also suggestions for other sources of information.

The source provides the name of the aid, contact information, the purpose of the aid, eligibility for the aid, amount of the aid, the number awarded, and the deadline.
Search Indexes Provided There are several indexes including a program title index, a sponsoring organization index, a residency index, a tenability index, subject index, and a calendar index.
Authority Reference Service Press appears to be a leader in reference source for financial aid.
Strengths The source provides a place for these groups to find financial aid in a clear and easy way. In addition, the organization makes the source user friendly.
Weaknesses The book covers aid for people with visual disabilities, but the print is normal size, which could be a problem.
Unique Aspects It appears to be the best source available in this area.

Title Funding for persons with Visual Impairments: Large Print Edition
Date 2002
Publisher El Dorado Hills, CA: Reference Service Press
Primary Use The source provides sources of financial aid for people with visual impairments.
Types of Information Provided The source includes scholarships, fellowships, loans, grants-in-aid, awards, and internships. There are also suggestions for other sources of information.

The source provides the name of the aid, contact information, the purpose of the aid, eligibility for the aid, amount of the aid, the number awarded, and the deadline.
Search Indexes Provided The source includes a residency index.
Authority Reference Service Press appears to be a leader in reference source for financial aid.
Strengths The source provides a place for this group to find financial aid in a clear and easy way. It appears to be the best source available in this area because of the large print.
Weaknesses Perhaps something could be done to put this material in audio format for those that are blind.
Unique Aspects The books is organized by type of aid, and by group served within each type of aid.

Web Sites

Title International Education Financial Aid
Web Address
Publisher International Scholarships
Primary Use The site provides information for financial aid for international students.
Types of Information Provided The site provides a section for scholarships, a section for useful links for international students, and a message board.
Search Indexes Provided The site provides a scholarship search.
Authority The site was started in 1998 and is an important site for financial aid information for international student.
Strengths It appears to be one of the few sites in English that provides financial aid information for international students.
Weaknesses There seems to be quite a few advertisements on this page, which could be annoying to some users.
Unique Aspects The site provides links to three partner sites, which provide alternate information about international financial aid.

Title Scholarships for Hispanics
Web Address
Publisher Sponsored by the National Education Association
Primary Use The site provides information for scholarships for Hispanic students.
Types of Information Provided The site provides information about scholarships, a link for donations to the oraganization, there is a link for connecting with alumni, and a section for the latest news about scholarships.
Search Indexes Provided The site provides a link for searching the site and for searching for scholarships.
Authority The National Education Association is a well respected education association.
Strengths This site provides a good place for Hispanic students to search for financial aid.
Weaknesses Perhaps the site could expand to provide information about other types of aid, such as internships.
Unique Aspects It appears that the site provides a good service by including a way to network with alumni.

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Prepared as part of the requirements for the Master of Library Science Degree
Department of Information and Library Science
School of Communication Information and Library Science
Southern Connecticut State University