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Sources of Financial Aid for Undergraduate Students


Title The scholarship book, by Dan Cassidy
Year 2003
Publisher Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall
Primary Use This source provides information for private-sector scholarships, fellowships, grants, and loans for undergraduate students.
Types of Information Provided Provides the financial aid information for all fields for undergraduate students, which organized as many college web sites are organized (by schools or colleges within the institution, such as the College of Business). It also provides listings of other materials for finding financial aid.

It provides the name of the aid, the contact information, the amount provided, deadlines, field of study, and a brief description.
Search Indexes Provided There is an alphabetical index in the source.
Authority According to the book, the information is compiled by the “largest private sector financial aid research service in the world.”
Strengths It is international in nature, and it provides Internet and e-mail addresses.
Weaknesses The table of contents is very poor because a user will find out that the book is actually organized by disciplines, and the layout of the pages could be better. It would be easier to use if the disciplines were in alphabetical order as well. It would be good to see some other indexes included in this source such as, geographical organization and deadlines.
Unique Aspects It includes information to find further information about careers.

Title Scholarships, grants & prizes, 6th ed., 2002
Year 2001
Publisher Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s/Thompson Learning
Primary Use The source provides financial aid information primarily for the undergraduate.
Types of Information Provided The source provides information for scholarships, grants, and prizes for various academic/career areas. In addition, there is financial information included for areas such as the military or ethnic background.

The source includes listings for the name of the institution providing aid, the name of the aid, a brief description, the areas that the aid can be applied, the number and amount of awards, the eligibility requirements, and application requirements, and the contact information.
Search Indexes Provided There are several indexes for this source, including an award name index; a sponsor index; an academic/career areas index; a civic, professional, social, or union affiliation index; a corporate affiliation index; an employment experience index; an impairment index; a military service index; a national or ethnic background index; a religious affiliation index; a state of residence index; and a talent index.
Authority Peterson’s is a leader in providing educational directories.
Strengths The source provides a wide variety of the types of scholarships offered for students.
Weaknesses The source does not clearly tell who the book is for, e.g. for primary undergraduates or graduates.
Unique Aspects The number of indexes provides good access to finding the proper sources for financial aid.

Title Free Money for College by Laurie Blum
Year 1999
Publisher New York: Facts on File
Primary Use The source provides sources of financial aid for undergraduate students.
Types of Information Provided The source includes listings by state, listings by area of study, and listings for grants for special groups, such as women, ethnic students, and disabled students. In addition, a short bibliography of other sources is provided.

The source provides the name of the aid, the contact information, the restrictions, the number and amount given, and the deadlines for applications.
Search Indexes Provided There is an index for the name of the awards.
Authority Facts on File is a common publisher for reference materials for libraries.
Strengths This appears to be one of the few sources that is specifically for undergraduates, which is quite helpful if that is the type of aid sought.
Weaknesses Appears to need to have more indexes for better access to the material in the source. It does not include Internet information such as WWW addresses or e-mail. Perhaps the fact that it was published in 1999 is part of the reason.
Unique Aspects There does not seem to be anything unique about this source.

Title The College Board scholarship handbook
Date 2002
Publisher New York: College Entrance Examination Board
Primary Use The source provides information for financial aid for undergraduates.
Types of Information Provided The source provides a large listing of scholarships, as well as information on internships and loans.

The source provides the name of the aid, the type of aid, its intended use, eligibility, basis for selection, application requirements, amount and number of awards, deadlines, notification and contact information.
Search Indexes Provided The source provides indexes several eligibility indexes including corporate/employer, disabilities, field of study/intended career, gender, international student, military participation, minority status, national/ethnic background, organization/civic affiliation, religious affiliation, returning adult, state of residence, and study abroad. In addition, the source includes indexes for the sponsor and the program (name of aid).
Authority This organization began in 1900, which shows its longevity as a credible source for information.
Strengths The source seems to provide a large amount of information in a small space, which is great for a seeker of financial aid.
Weaknesses The listing for the scholarships is alphabetical; an improvement may be to organize the source by major.
Unique Aspects The fact that the source provides the beginning time of notification for the aid is a great asset for this source.

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Prepared as part of the requirements for the Master of Library Science Degree
Department of Information and Library Science
School of Communication Information and Library Science
Southern Connecticut State University