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From Being Magic by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Advanced Being

Between each Child Being (CB) and the Supreme Being (SB) there are probably Infinite CB’s who are more experienced and “higher” in Life than the CB.

These are Advanced Beings (AB’s).

General Description

Basically, a CB living as an AB is more active at Higher Levels of Being than CB’s living as Lesser Beings (LB’s) at Lower Levels of Being.

AB’s could be identified as Beings of Admiration: parents, relatives, friends, teachers, gifted people, mentors or idolised super stars.

But in this I refer to AB’s as if They are Great Alien Benefactors or Older Wiser Evolutionary Educators to People.

Characteristics of AB’s

AB’s are probably perceived by LB’s as being different and better-off in Life.

Perhaps much of this difference is because AB’s have earned more reward for working or experiencing Life in relation to LB’s.

Unusual or Greater Abilities

The AB will possess “strange” or wonderful abilities beyond that of LB’s, and especially abilities that Greatly Benefit LB’s and their environment.

Increased Presence

The AB will often have a more colourful, energetic Aura or greater sphere of activities. Perhaps an AB will have more healthy emotions, thought patterns and other influence that LB’s will sense through the material and inner space separating the AB from the LB’s.

Different Presence

When an AB makes contact with a LB the AB will often be sensed by the LB as “alien” or through different senses than normal (e.g. a Third Eye, a Third Ear).

Sometimes a LB will react in fear to the Presence of an AB. This can be similar to how many “wild” animal B’s react to the presence of a people B.

Different Body, Materials or Energies

AB’s probably prefer to live at planes or aspect levels where energy or material is more refined and subtle than denser coarser materials that LB’s live through.

Greater Control over Lesser Beings

AB’s are often expert in manipulating the wills of LB’s (e.g. animals, insects) at certain necessary times.

Greater Understanding

AB’s have plenty caring compassionate Healthy Intelligence that represents Understanding. Especially, AB’s will share their Understanding with adequately receptive LB’s whenever pleasantly possible.

Greater Sensitivity

Many LB’s will stagger and stumble through life without having enough sensation of their environment. AB’s are much more aware than LB’s of environmental health to include Inner Health of all B’s trying to live in an environment. For AB’s many places and environments are regarded as Sacred while for LB’s there is less regarded as Sacred.

Better at Games, Contests, Problem Solving

The more advanced a B is, the better the B handles situations for their own benefit and nearby B’s benefit. It is more difficult for a LB to succeed or “win” in competition against an AB or team that an AB assists. [DoNotGiveUp]

Higher Treasures

While LB’s often have many materialistic possessions at lower levels of B, AB’s will choose to have gifted talents and energies at higher levels of B.

It is a fact of Life that any B can only have certain amounts of property. If a B is primarily living at certain levels and modes of B, then that is where the B will have the most possessions or associated activities.

In a world where LB’s like to gather many worldly physical material possessions to themselves, it is doubtful that any AB would need or want many or any of the same type possessions.

However if an LB were to know and carefully weigh the talents, gifts and unusual abilities of an AB, the LB would probably want to abandon some or all of their LB possessions for what the AB has.

More Soul

AB’s live closer to the Aspect of Soul. Here the AB gives and displays more Love, Compassion, Careful Concern, Consideration than LB’s.

Greater Awareness at Higher Levels of Being

An AB will seem to be more focussed and concentrated on a wide array of thoughts, signals and sensations received from Levels or Aspects of Being above those most LB’s are aware of.

Deeper Awareness at Inner Levels of Being

While many LB’s enjoy a superficial, almost carefree life, an AB will probe much deeper into the core of any B or thing that is encountered. AB’s will not be fooled by the external appearance (EA) of a B or thing that may be quite different than an Internal Appearance.

For example, many LB’s will make, worship or be fascinated with Images and Idols (EA’s) of other B’s. An AB will be less interested in these semblances, the attractions of trivial material.

Wider Spans in Time

Many LB’s will concentrate on almost care-free, short-term, narrow-minded activities while AB’s carefully plan and expertly execute activities in wider open-minded spans of Time Past, Present and Future.

Actions of Greater Relevance

AB’s will also choose their area of concern in Time more appropriately (e.g. AB’s will often concern themselves with Time Present and the importance of correct activity in Time Present to affect the future, rather than being overly concerned and anxious about Time Future separate from Time Present).


Some People become so lightning-struck that AB’s can be so talented with Their superior logic that the People

This is illogical!

Logic helps us use our Minds like very valuable tools.

If a tool does not perform some task, don’t discard it!

Refine it to do a better job on the task!

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