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From Being Magic by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Messages from the Sun

I have listened to the Sun, the central Being of our planetary solar system. The Sun has spoken to me (and others) with Soul messages, to include revelations of the Nature of Being. The Sun or Sol is like the Soul of our solar system.

The Sun’s Soul messages (SSM’s) are different than other messages in most human religions. For one thing, SSM’s seem to present MANY or ALL of the Creatures living on Planet Earth as Divine Beings. And SSM’s often reveal Beings as nearly the same in real or potential appearance.

SSM’s have probably been received by ancient and very ancient civilisations of mankind, and especially those of Ancient Egypt, India, Lebanon and South America where the Sun was worshipped as a Deity.

SSM’s describe Beings as like the Sun. Or SSM’s enlighten facets of Being similar to the physical activities of the Sun.

For example, if a physical object is placed on the Sun’s surface then the object will become homogenous with the body of the Sun. It will become undifferentiated from the other substance of the Sun’s body.

This is similar to the Understanding I have gotten from Advanced Beings Who will tend to overlook and disregard most colourful, racial, religious, political and gender characteristics when evaluating and relating to an Earth person or other Earth Being.

Any and ALL Beings are potentially like the Sun.

On and in the Sun, any and all physical objects become equals. Also the Sun is the finest and most active energy source in our solar system. So from the Soul Aspect each Being has potential access to Great Energy.

This is like the Soul Aspect of Being: egalitarian and also the finest and greatest potential power or Energy.

In particular, SSM’s I received seem to be closely related to the Basic Theory of Being I describe in this book.

Benefits of Sun Soul Messages

Any awareness of SSM’s can lead to increased Soul Activities and Power.

When this happens positive loving enlightened awareness and life becomes greater.

(And any activities by a SSM recipient that cause dissonant discord, disease or destructive disunity among fellow Beings can make the recipient uncomfortable or worse. This is perhaps why Initiates into the Mysteries are required to be on their best behaviour before any Divine revelations are given.)

Even as the Sun is a great source of physical light, so also are the Soul of the Sun and the Soul Aspect of Creation sources of much Light: the Universal Light of Mind. This light can expose or reveal Reality in exquisite meaningful detail. It can totally illuminate any area of concern or interest. It can inspire great works of Soul, Mind or any other endeavour.

As a Being comes closer to the Sun or Soul Aspect, the Being has less need for clothes of belief such as rags of trivial differentiation. The Sun Soul warms any Being Who feels unloved or unwanted. The Being becomes more capable of giving Love to Others.

Also as a Being nears the Sun Soul, the dense coarse hardened materialistic habits and attachments of the Being become lighter, looser, less constricting.

If a Being comes so close to the Sun Soul that the Being unites with the Sun Soul, the Being may become like a Soul Baby, with infantile reduced capabilities to be materialistic in Mental, Emotional and Physical Aspects; and magnified Soul capabilities to be a Light giver, a source of Goodwill, aware of and united with the Essence of other Beings.

Need for Sun Soul Messages

Us Beings in this Solar system should give greater regard and careful attention to the Sun Being and Planet Beings such as Earth Mother.

We must beware the Presence of the Sun in light of human misbehaviour:

It is possible that the physical rays and particles from the Sun will be a major hazard in the future of Earth life. This will be due to the human degradation of our Earth Mother including pollution of Her safe soft clean blanket of protective atmosphere. Perhaps physical Earth will become like a hot steamy oven or swamp, uncomfortable and full of bacterial disease.

The Sun has been so important for the Benefit of Mother Earth, yet when Earth Beings lack respect for Nature on Earth, the Sun can become a worst enemy.

Had Earth Beings living as people spent more time being reverent to Earth Mother, the Sun, listening to SSM’s and examining, thinking and feeling into their importance, it is possible that people would live and survive more easily on Earth.

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