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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Prophecy September 1986

I arrived in Sydney Australia in July 1986. Within a couple of months I was contacted by two important disincarnate Beings: a Master who seemed to be an advanced Buddhist monk and a Supreme Master who probably was the Master Christ.

About 1 September 1986 a threat was reported by the ·News·.

“Supreme Allied Commander” General George Rogers of the US military stated that Cruise missiles could be used against Libya. In the era of President Ronald Reagan this could have incorporated small tactical NUCLEAR warheads in the missiles.

Something had to be done to prevent any such disaster or another major war.

I was prodded by invisible Beings, Intelligences, to send a Message to the US government. At first I was reluctant to send the message but eventually relented.

This is the message the Intelligences had me send to the US government in care of Senator Gary Hart of Colorado:

“We must repent!

We must repent of the offensive socialist militarism.

It is a perfect haven
for the most foolish incompetence
a terrible waste
of the nations’ finest talents.

We must repent!

Or the White Race
will be righteously purged
from the surface of the planet!

GodAllah, the God of Moses, the Allah of Abraham, is Great!


Oh repent Ye of your Communism You the News!”

It resulted in descent of Space People on and nearby US strategic military bases, the ·crash· of two civilian passenger planes next to Disneyland, California (the home of Mickey Mouse), about a 140 point drop in the indices of the Dow Jones Industrial Index and some stern actions taken against the Big Money elite of the USA and other nations.

(I became aware that Space People, directed by Space Intelligences, had severely threatened the US military by flying UFO’s into and close to critical US military bases in the USA. They had killed animals and perhaps even some people as a physical reminder.)

In the next weeks and months the US and USSR established better terms with each other and there was less World tension.

Divine Intervention by Intelligences, Space People and Masters had triumphed but only though disaster and loss of innocent lives.



The crash was the result of a midair collision. A smaller aircraft, in which the pilot had suffered a heart attack, collided with a large passenger jet.


“The Australian”; 1 September 1986; page 1

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