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Enin of the fourteenth year

Last month the group had split up as in real life some were away on holiday. So we weaved together seperate adventures until they met up again.

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Enin the first

Vasaan and Turrach make good time, and travel a goodly distance. Meanwhile Khalid leaves his elven traveling companions at the Rudbar ford, and crosses to the trading post. There he meets a barbarian lad named Colin, with whom he strikes up a quick friendship. They try to help a man who has a cursed necklace bonded to his skin, but fail to offer a practical solution to his troubles.

Enin the second

Colin the barbarianColin, who is played by Mike, joined in the campaign at this point. Coiln has high magical resistance due to his disbelief in magic. However, he can never learn anything magical, or use most forms of magical items, and is next to impossible to heal magically.

Khalid and Colin trudge through a day of heavy rain and high winds, wishing they had stayed nice and warm in the trading post. Colin tells of his days in the Chagai Hills, a wild desert area known for its shamans, dust storms, and snakes. Colin informs a dumbstruck Khalid that he does not belive in magic, having proved to himself that the local shamans of his desert tribe were nothing but liars, fakers and tricksters. Meanwhile, Vasaan and Turrach travel uneventfully, but see heavy rain up ahead.

Enin the third

Vasaan and Turrach skirt around Landay about midday, and encounter the bad weather. Khalid and Colin, meanwhile, have an uneventful day that is notable only for the fine fish meal Khalid cooks.

Enin the fourth

Khlaid and Colin stop at Deh Shu, have a meal, and buy a shield for Colin

Enin the fifth

Colin has never returned to the village of Deh Snu. At this point Shylock was still missing, as Dave was on an extended holiday. So Shylock continued to train at the Trader's Guild library in Gereshk.

Early morning morning the two groups of travelers meet. So they head to Deh Snu. Khalid and Colin have killed a deer, which they give it to the inn for free board and ale. They drink too much, especially Colin, and he finds himself being seduced by an attractive local girl, Loana. She easily seduces Colin, and in the middle of the night, away from the others, she convinces Colin to rob the trading post. He makes an attempt, but it goes horribly wrong. Loana pretends not to know him. Some quick talking on the part of Khalid and Vasaan calms the village mob, and the obvious power of Turrach makes the villagers decide to just run Colin out of town, rather than lynch him.

Enin the sixth

After sleeping the rest of the night outside near the village of Deh Snu, they rise early, catch some fish in a stream with the magic net, and snare a rabbit.

Enin the seventh

Start the day with rabbit stew cooked by Khalid. They meet a messenger on his way to Gereshk, and offer him some food. They continue on and make it to Rudbar and spend a quiet night there.

Enin the eighth

They buy some rations at the trading post, as they know they cannot hunt freely in the elven forest across the river, and head off into a cloudy day. They cross the Rudbar ford, Khalid gets some fish using his great net. They head along the river, which arcs northeast, catching sight of a faerie or two, and making good time.

Rolled a Skeletal Tyrannosaur as a random encounter, and since they had the dragon-hunter, Turrach, with them, decided to see what they would do. The magical device he used was an Attack Sphere, a sort of remote control ball of blades. A most potent item, but one I felt suitable for a psychopathic dragon-slayer.

Then they hear, and soon see, a horrible sight. A giant skeletal creature crashing its way into the forest from across the river. It appears to be a skeleton of a huge animal, over thirty feet high. It is heading into the forest, and they debate whether to run, attempt to warn some elves, or even try to fight it themselves.

Turrach, who has remained rather silent, stops their debate by running off toward the skeleton. In awe they watch as he takes it on single-handedly, letting lose a magical weapon that seems to chop the skeleton up from the inside.

Enin the ninth

Khalid gets some fish, and forages up a healing herb. They encounter some elves who have come across the remains of the skeletal creature, and are mist impressed to hear that Turrach dispatched it. They continue on and make it to the next trading post before nightfall. However, it is deserted.

They enter and are attacked by Spiderbats. Turrach is surprised and actually badly bitten by the creatures. Vasaan is also badly bitten. Khalid and Colin stand over their fallen comrades, and a fierce battle ensues. Turrach recovers enough to stand and fight, and manages to kill the largest of the foul flapping fiends. By the end of the fight all four are suffering from multiple wounds.

The NPC (non-player character) group were:

Borgak, an axe-wielding Dwarf; a gruff fellow who was friendly with Remo, but not so much with the others in his group.

Remo, the human leader of the group; his confidence is badly shaken at this point, however.

Entaures, a noble and mystical elf; aloof, but polite.

Windhoek, a fighter with some magic knowledge; she prefers to use a quarterstaff.

Saldahna, a stealthy woman; who fights hard if pressed.

Gilette, whose brush with death on the twelfth makes him decide against the adventuring lifestyle.

They limp to a sheltered area some distance away from the river and the trading post and rest. They risk a fire, using only dead wood that has fallen to the ground. Their fire draws another group to them. A party of fellow adventurers who Vasaan and Shylock had encountered on the road a few weeks ago. Remo, their leader, asks for assistance. It seems that their quest for wealth, fame and glory was cut short by the rampaging skeletal creature. They had attempted to stop it, but been literally crushed underfoot. Khalid uses his remaining power to offer healing assistance to Remo and his party, but this leaves himself, Vasaan, Shylock and Turrach still badly wounded.

Enin the tenth

Khalid catches some fish for breakfast, and the two groups of wounded adventurers rest up under showery skies. Khalid manages a few more healing spells.

As night falls Borgak, a dwarf in Remo's group, offers to take the watch while the others rest. The dwarf spots some goblins who have made it across the river, and the two groups decide that wounded or not they should attack. A fumbling melee results, but Turrach casts a large fireball spell that scares the goblins away. The heroes find a makeshift bridge the goblins have made across the fast moving river, and destroy it.

Enin the eleventh

Resting for the day, the see a storm front approaching. Some elves approach them, and are welcomed, but get a little too aggressive about the damaged trees that resulted from Turrach's fireball. The adventurers plead that it was all in an effort to stop goblins, and the elves withdraw, but the encounter leaves a bad taste behind. Turrach mutters something about no good deed going unpunished, and announces he is leaving to strike out on his own. Vasaan asks him to stay, even hints that he could take her along with him, but Turrach says his fate must be met alone. He leaves.

Enin the twelfth

A rainy day. The two groups decide to travel together, and set out for Nimruz, the elven city deep in the forest. They have barely gone a quarter-mile when they are attacked by a raiding party lizardmen. Lizardmen can swim the river, and so are more of a pest in the elven forest than other races. Vasaan's mother was killed by lizardmen, and she has a racial hatred for the creatures.

Vasaan launches herself into the fight, and severely wounds several of them. Khalid and Colin try to keep up with the rampaging half-elf, and watch her back. Together they drive the lizardmen back. Remo's group, at first taken aback by the ferocity of Vasaan's attack, manage to rush forward and help finish off some stragglers. However, the lizardmen regroup and counter attack, catching our heroes off-guard. One of Remo's group, Gilette, is knocked unconscious and they cannot revive him. The lizardmen are driven off a second time, and do not return. Khalid's healing spells are called upon again to heal a variety of minor wounds.

Enin the thirteenth

The day and night pass uneventfully.

Enin the fourteenth

Another uneventful day and night.

Enin the fifteenth

Strong winds blow up, and as the adventurers huddle in shelter they are approached by a couple of elves. Gossip is swapped, and the elves agree to accompany the party to Nimruz. They continue on despite the weather, and encounter some Slyphs, playful faeries, intent on picking their pockets. The elves indulge the slyphs, and send them away with a few coins. Khalid forages for herbs and finds some wild Arlan, a minor healing plant.

Enin the sixteenth

In light drizzle they trudge on until they arrive at Nimruz. Gilette's nasty head wound is healed by the elves. As the group rest up in Nimruz they witness the arrival of an animated party of elves. There is a bit of a commotion as these new arrivals announce they have found, three days ago, some elven bodies near the Rudbar ford, and the bodies had been defiled, their skin and bones removed. The adventurers are asked to help investigate, and with a war party of elves immediately set out toward the ford.

A horribar as drawn by Raymond Gaustadnes

The entire war party is attacked by some strange flying creatures that look like furry mouths. Named Horribars by the elves, they cause a great deal of trouble, and even with the large group of elves and humans our heroes must fight for their lives. The horribars are eventually driven off. Khalid's shield has taken a beating, but so have Colin and Vasaan. Both bleed a little from the frightful bites of the furry mouths. Remo's group have also taken wounds. Remo himself acquires a new scar on his nose, and Winhoek loses most of an ear! Fortunately there are a number of elven healers present to help with the many wounded.

Enin the seventeenth

A hot, cloudless day, during which the large party overhears some elves discussing the recent increase in attacks from strange creatures in the elven forest. Khalid helps heal up some of the lingering wounds with his spells.

Enin the eighteenth

Some unarmed lizardmen are encountered, and Vasaan is restrained to stop her starting an incident. These lizardmen have entered the outskirts of the elven forest because they say their northern marshes are being overwhelmed with evil creatures. The elves allow them to go on, but send an escorting group of elven archers to shadow them, and make sure they leave the forest soon. The large party sets up camp about a day's walk from the Rudbar ford.

Enin the nineteenth

An uneventful day, as the elves and rangers discuss what to do. That night, scouting away from the main war party, our heroes find and drive off some night hounds. Khaild stunning one with a great blow, and Colin using his axe to great effect.

Enin the twentieth

Remo, Gilette, Entaures, and Borgak were the members of the other group of adventurers that made a positive impression. They would meet some of these adventurers again.

It has been decided by the elves and rangers present that several small groups will be sent across the Helmand river to scout the area and look for who or what skinned and boned the unfortunate elves that were found. Remo and his party leave in a separate group, leaving our four heroes alone. Across the river they set up a protected campsite. There they encounter Golen, the ranger they had fought with at the ford, who is with an old ranger called Koss. They ask to aid the investigation, and are welcomed warmly.

Enin 21

The weather turns cold, with a wind that chills the bone. They encounter some fresh tracks on the other side of the river, coming from the north, but heading south. They follow at speed, sight those making them from a rise, and give chase.

Their opponents were Sumis and Humbe, both hired thugs, and Tulbalgh, an alchemist and the hirer of the thugs.

As they close in the other group of three humans starts to run. However, out heroes are faster, and outflank the fleeing villains. A fierce battle ensues. Two of their opponents are heavy, strong men with large weapons. Golen receives a mortal blow, but the others quickly overpower the thugs. Khalid casts every healing spell he has on the dying Golen, but to no avail. Vasaan tries her luck with the smattering of healing knowledge she has picked up, and to her surprise, and everyone else's joy, succeeds in stemming the flow of blood, saving Golen's life.

The group got lucky with the timing. The movements of the alchemist had been planned in advance, and a lucky perception roll allowed them to get the trail when fresh.

After tending to Golen they examine the belongings of those they have captured, and discover bones and dried elf skin. As Golen is very weak they camp for the remainder of the day and night.

Enin the twenty-second

They frog march their prisoners back across the Rudbar ford and into the elven forest.

Enin the twenty-third

They continue through the forest, and give news of their successful capture of those responsible for the horrible acts of butchery.

Enin the twenty-fourth

They make it back the elven council camp. Luanda, the head of the Nimruz council, personally thanks the five of them (Vasaan, Colin, Khalid, Golen and Koss) for their quick actions. In a quiet moment the group attempt to attune to some magical rings they liberated from the alchemsist. Vasaan melts one when she tries to use it, while Khalid masters the use of a Self Aura ring, which can make him seem a little more powerful.

Enin the twenty-fifth to thirtieth

The elven council travels slowly back to Nimruz, and our heroes travel with them, indulging themselves in fine elven food and wine, poetry, stories and song. They also take time to learn a few new skills, and practice some old ones, once they are in Nimruz.

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