The adventures of our roleplaying group began a number of years ago. So long, in fact, that many of the details have faded from our memories. So this site is designed as a reminder for the group, but if you are curious go ahead and look.

The diary is divided into game time months. So some are longer, and more interesting, than others. You can start at the beginning and continue to the next entry at the bottom of each diary page, or use this index to jump around.

The fourteenth Year of the reign of Queen Lisboa of Qandahar

The month of Hitegh.
With the Tree of Morella, and the Defense of the Rudbar Ford.

The adventure begins when three strangers meet. Vasaan, Shylock and Khalid join together and have an adventure of epic proportions and frustrating riddles inside a faerie tree. Khalid and Shylock help battle goblins at the ford of Rudbar, while Vasaan runs a great distance to get help. They attend the funeral of a fallen comrade. Then they split up and wander about the Helmand River region, get involved with a theft, a religious festival, and train in skills and spells.   Read the diary entry ...

The months of the year are, Eno, Dnoces, Driht, Truof, Evif, Xis, Neves, Hitegh, Enin, Net, Vele, Lewt, The Five Days. Each month has thirty days, to keep things simple, and the Five Days are a mid-winter holiday of, surprisingly, five days.

The month of Enin.
With the Mystery of the Skinned and Boned Elves.

The introduction of Colin the Barbarian, a youthful adventurer from the Chagai Hills. Colin immediately gets himself into trouble, and is run out of a village by an angry mob. Other adventurers come and go, and our heroes solve a mystery involving some skinned and boned elves. Much training is done, as our heroes attempt to flesh out their meager skills.   Read the diary entry ...

The month of Net.
With a little shopping, some farmers, a wedding, some dwarves, and a suit of armour.

The introduction Shaba the Fire Wizard, an exile from the magical city of Baku. They travel through the Margow forest, fight a troll, and eventually make it to the trading town of Gereshk. Shylock rejoins the party, and they go shopping. They investigate some distribances in the nearby farms, and encounter bandits, goblins and a suit of armour. Athora, an elven theif, joins them, and they acquire a servant named Gilheim. A trip to a wedding ends with the discovery of an evil symbol, and a battle with war trolls. After a rest they set out on a long journey to the dwarven city of Herat.   Read the diary entry ...

The month of Vele.
With a journey to Herat, and a meeting with royalty.

Our heroes journey to Herat, a dwarven city of great fame and history. When they arrive they gain an audience with the king, make a deal with court officials for the sale of some mithril coins. They spend the rest of the month exploring the shops and libraries of Herat, and training to acquire further skills in arms and lore.   Read the diary entry ...

The month of Lewt.
With more training and more searching through the dusty tomes of two libraries.

Our heroes continue their stay in the dwarven city of Herat. There they spend time rummaging through books in the Herat Guild of Knowledge and the Herat Royal Library. One studies the lore of poison, another the riding of horses. Vasaan joins a message delivery service, and jogs north on her first training mission, then runs her first solo delivery. Shylock accidently learns a spell.  Read the diary entry ...

The Holiday of Five Days.
With food, drink, and merriment for all, except Vassan.

The Five Days is a midwinter holiday in which the entire world seems to stop and feast. Vasaan is trapped up north on a delivery, but the others party it up at the royal palace in a five day feast of drink, food, and entertainment.   Read the diary entry ...