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Lewt of the fourteenth year

Lewt the first

Athora learns two skills in Poison Lore, while Khalid learns one skill in Trance Meditation

Lewt the second

More training.

Lewt the third

Vassan learns some of the complex Arcahic Dragon, spoken tongue, while Shaba learns some spoken Dwarven.

Lewt the fourth

Even more training.

Lewt the fifth

Co-lin learns another skill in hand-axe.

Lewt the sixth through tenth

Still more training.

Lewt the eleveth

Vasaan learns a horse riding skill.

Lewt the twelfth

Shylock learns a skill in written dwarf, and Khalid and Athora become pupils of Colin, in order to learn some more horse-riding.

Lewt the thirteenth

They were pleased to gain access to the Royal Library, as they had figured out the value of cheap (in this case free) access to books. And while this Library was poorly kept, it quickly offered up useful tomes. One of which they would later steal.

They go to the royal library where Shaba finds three interesting books. Shylock begins to learn a spell without actually knowing it by reading one of the books. Meanwhile Athora starts to learn Lock Lore skill, Khaild some mapping, and Colin some Streetwise, Herat.

Lewt the fourteenth and fifteenth

They continue their studies, now at the Royal Library.

Lewt the sixteenth

Sahba learns a horse-riding skill. Shylock begins to realise he is learning a spell. A Blood Mastery spell, which is normally a Lay Healer Base spell. Vasaan joins the Northern Runners as a novice. They are a message service that mainly operate around the Northern Fortress area. This fort is a dwarven outpost that is situated in the badlands many days travel north, and is precariously close to the dreaded undead city of Masshad.

Lewt the seventeenth

Vasaan begins her first running mission. Bahar, her trainer, is disappointed with her first day's progress.

Lewt the eighteenth

Vassan is running slowly, and further displeases her trainer when she begins to wander off chasing some swamp stars. These are dancing lights in the marshes which seek to lure travelers to their doom and feast on the rotting corpses. Bahar fortunately resists, and is able to restrain Vassan and avoid tragedy.

Lewt the nineteenth

Vasaan and Bahar arrive at the outpost of Tir Pol, her destination. A successful delivery.

Lewt the twentieth

Vasaan makes good time on her way back to Herat, but they are attacked by some orcs. Fortunately Meep, her familiar, is able to put one to sleep, and Vassan and Bahar team up to kill another and drive the rest off.

Lewt the twenty-first

Colin learns a skill in Streetwise, Herat. Vasaan arrives back. Mission accomplished.

Lewt the twenty-second and twenty-third

Vasaan rests and the others study.

Lewt the twenty-fourth

Vasaan sets off on her second mission, this time solo.

Lewt the twenty-fifth

Good running by Vassan.

Lewt the twenty-sixth

While dwarves and elves mistrust each other, dwarven merchants are at least cordial to elves, as they can often get great deals from those out-of-touch elves who just don't understand the value of things.

Vasaan mets some friendly dwarven merchants who are going south, but they stay with her long enough to share a meal.

Lewt the twenty-seventh

Khalid learns a mapping skill, and Shaba learns another skill in spoken Dwarven. Vasaan makes it to Kariz.

Lewt the twenty-eighth

Khalid starts to learn Cleansing meditation.

Lewt the twenty-ninth

Athora learns some Lock Lore, which should give her some ideas on how to attack certain types of locks. Vasaan makes it to Torbat-e Jam, the Northern Fortress, with her message. Colin beefs up his body with some physical development.

Lewt the thirtieth

Shylock learns his spell, and can now stop bleeding in minor wounds, and slow greater ones.

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