H O M E   P A G E







M I S C .

Last updated

March 2002



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X M A S   in   the   S O U N D S

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Jo and I spent Christmas 2001 in the Marlbourgh Sounds with her family. It was the first Xmas away from home for me, so it was a little weird. But I had a good time, ate too much, drank too much, and generally indulged in all the other traditional kiwi christmas sins.

Foolishly, someone lent me a camera at the same time. Here are some of my first attempts at photography with a decent camera, taken down in the Marlborough Sounds.

Click on a picture to see a larger version.

Above: The view from the deck of the batch, looking back towards Picton. The bay is called Double Cove. The weather was a little changable, but mostly warm and pleasant.

Left: Jo and her parents' dog Truffle walking along the beach below the batch.

Below: Truffle trying to chase a large swiss ball. The dog never gives up.
Above: Three pictures of Jo; being silly, swimming, and water skiing.

Above: A boat that 'lives' in the cove, and Jo painting the ranchsliding doors for the New Year's party.