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Disc 35 - The Hermit's Cave

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Hermit's Cave, The 1941-xx-xx From Another World 28:53 35
Hermit's Cave, The 1942-04-10 Plantation Mystery 29:28 35
Hermit's Cave, The 1944-xx-xx Hanson's Ghost 29:28 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx Buried Alive 23:36 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx Castle By The Sea 22:13 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx Fever 29:06 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx It Happened On Sunday 22:25 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx Notebook On Murder 24:03 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx Reflected Image 25:06 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx Spirit Vengeance 24:23 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx Spirits Of Vengeance 24:22 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The Author Of Murder 26:20 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The Black Band 23:47 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The Blackness Of Terror 24:27 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The Crimson Hand 30:50 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The House Of Murder 23:59 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The House Of Purple Shadows 23:35 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The House On Lost Man's Bluff 23:42 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The House With A Past 23:44 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The Mystery Of The Thing 23:37 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The Nameless Day 24:17 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The Search For Life 24:14 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The Story Without End 22:57 35
Hermit's Cave, The 19xx-xx-xx The Vampire's Desire 24:44 35
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