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Disc 5

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Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-19 Aunt Effie Is Sick 14:57 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-20 Another Tour Of Boston 15:03 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-21 Aunt Effie's Old Friend 15:17 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-22 House Of Seven Gables 14:57 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-23 Will Is Read 14:57 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-26 Considering Terms Of The Will 14:56 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-27 Family Visitors 14:49 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-28 Invited To Madge And Charlie's 14:52 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-29 Mister Rogers Hears About House 14:49 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-05-30 Painting The Lake Cottage 14:53 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-02 College Representative 15:05 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-03 Asking for Baby Bed Back 15:08 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-04 Looking At Bids 14:58 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-05 Charlie's Dare 15:10 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-06 Morning Of The Swim 15:03 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-09 Meeting the Building Contractor 15:29 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-10 Invited To Margaret Cooper's 15:26 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-11 Blasting Starts 15:20 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-12 Worrying About Damages 15:08 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-13 Picking Up Baby Bed 15:40 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-16 Hauling Dirt 14:22 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-17 Cows In Yard 15:06 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-18 Must Get Rid of Cows 15:06 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-19 Charlie Helps With The Cows 15:05 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-20 Transplanting Trees 15:15 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-23 Early American Mantle 15:10 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-24 Piano Lessons for Betsy 15:21 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-25 Foundation Trouble 15:13 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-26 Doll Donation 16:03 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-27 Surprise Birthday Party for Daddy 15:17 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-06-30 False Alarm 15:04 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-01 Betsy Presents The Baby 15:10 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-02 Child Psychologist 15:22 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-03 Betsy's Weekend Guest 15:13 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-04 Sunburn 15:05 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-07 Fish Problems 15:47 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-08 Who was that man? 15:03 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-09 The Tent 14:52 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-10 Betsy Fixes Lunch 15:17 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-11 Daddy Sleeps In The Tent 15:32 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-14 Aunt Martha Comes To Help 15:09 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-15 Trouble With Aunt Martha 15:14 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-16 British Thermal Units 15:11 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-17 Betsy Away Overnight 15:16 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-18 Changing House Plans 15:10 Disc 5
Couple Next Door, The 1958-07-21 To The Hospital 15:19 Disc 5

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