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Disc 8

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Witch's Tale, The 1931-06-xx The Were-Wolf (part 1) 14:56 8
Witch's Tale, The 1931-06-xx The Were-Wolf (part 2) 14:42 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-03-xx Frankenstein (part 1) 15:00 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-03-xx Frankenstein (part 2) 14:18 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-03-xx The Wonderful Bottle (part 1) 14:17 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-03-xx The Wonderful Bottle (part 2) 12:49 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-07-25 Rockabye Baby 30:50 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-07-xx The Bronze Venus (part 1) 14:46 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-07-xx The Bronze Venus (part 2) 15:45 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-07-xx The Entomologist (part 1) 14:29 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-07-xx The Entomologist (part 2) 14:16 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-09-xx The Hairy Monster (part 1) 15:28 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-09-xx The Hairy Monster (part 2) 15:22 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-10-24 Share And Share Alike 26:53 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-11-xx The Gypsy's Hand (part 1) 14:41 8
Witch's Tale, The 1932-11-xx The Gypsy's Hand (part 2) 14:10 8
Witch's Tale, The 1933-01-xx The Spirit Of The Lake (part 1) 15:37 8
Witch's Tale, The 1933-01-xx The Spirit Of The Lake (part 2) 15:34 8
Witch's Tale, The 1933-02-xx A Happy Ending (part 1) 15:08 8
Witch's Tale, The 1933-02-xx A Happy Ending (part 2) 15:22 8
Witch's Tale, The 1933-03-27 The Confession 28:44 8
Witch's Tale, The 1933-03-xx Graveyard Mansion (part 1) 15:24 8
Witch's Tale, The 1933-03-xx Graveyard Mansion (part 2) 14:57 8
Witch's Tale, The 1933-xx-xx The House Of The Bridegroom (PROMO) 29:53 8
Witch's Tale, The 1934-04-xx The Flying Dutchman (part 1) 15:12 8
Witch's Tale, The 1934-04-xx The Flying Dutchman (part 2) 14:28 8
Witch's Tale, The 1934-09-07 The Puzzle 26:08 8
Witch's Tale, The 1934-11-08 Physician Of The Dead 24:35 8
Witch's Tale, The 1935-05-30 The Deserter 27:50 8
Witch's Tale, The 1935-06-13 Devil's Mask 26:28 8
Witch's Tale, The 1935-08-14 The King Shark God 27:11 8
Witch's Tale, The 1935-08-27 The Knife Of Sacrifice 26:13 8
Witch's Tale, The 1936-05-08 The Priest of Sekhett 25:28 8
Witch's Tale, The 1937-01-08 In The Devil's Name (part 1) 30:02 8
Witch's Tale, The 1937-01-22 Suicide 23:19 8

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