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What's new, San Miguel?   This page is reserved for breaking news, if and when we receive it from you, our writers 

This page currently contains the following articles, listed below (if additional information has been reported to us) in the following order:

Low cost pharmacy  inaugurated at DIF for people who can not otherwise afford
Satellite TV from the DISH network is now available legally and at a fair cost in SMA
Thieves caught stealing ranch's payroll.
Guanajuato Univ to start new master's degree in computer science
City government to provide garbage containers all around the city
Crisis - regarding breaking news at SMA Online - see more below (dated 6/1/04)
funding to continue for remodeling Las Monjas, San Francisco Church, Bellas Artes and Plaza Zaragoza 

A message from outside of San Miguel  


6/16/04 Mayor Luis Alberto Villareal inaugurates a pharmacy at DIF.   This pharmacy will have medicine at low prices.  The purpose is to help all people who can not afford to pay for medicines elsewhere.  It appeared that gringos as well as Mexican naturals would  be able to use this service assuming they met whatever needs test was being applied.

6/8/04  -  Satellite TV from the DISH network is now available legally and at a fair cost in SMA. Through the efforts of  Mel Berry (a dealer in satellite systems in Houston), individuals may have access to satellite television from the USA in a variety of ways.  Those who already have Direct TV dishes will be able to continue to use their current dishes.  And those who are new to satellite tv as well as those who have purchased it previously may acquire new DISH receivers in a rebate program wherein the receivers are acquired for no cost.  Anyone may then purchase any number of programming packages at the same cost as anyone living in the USA.   More information on this is on the tips for living here page.


6/7/04 - Alan Alvarez from Proteccion Civil said that last Saturday three thieves were captured in San Miguel.  The thieves had stolen the salary from a ranch located in the area on the road to Dolores Hidalgo.

6/4/04 -- University of Guanajuato, according to Maria de los Angeles Romero and Fernado Balderas, is about to inaugurate a master's degree program in computer sciences.   After two years of curriculum work, the graduate will receive a Ingenieria mecanico engineering and design by computer degree

6/4/04 -- The San Miguel city council, according to Julian Villela, Director de Servicios Publicos Municipales, said that the city government will commence to provide garbage containers all around the city in an attempt to keep the city cleaner at all times.

6/1/04 -  We are having a serious crisis here at SMA OnLine that might require us to cease our publication.   Please read the 6/1/04 article on the news about us page and its effect on "breaking news" (it is the first item in the  EMAILed information section, right under the web-site changes section) 

5/28/04 - Claudia Escalante talked about the Fundacion Pueblos Magicos.  She said that San Miguel de Allende will receive the financial funds to continue with the remodeling on the historic buildings such as Las Monjas Church and San Francisco Church, as well as for Bellas Artes and Plaza Zaragoza. 

A message from outside of San Miguel:

"To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common   ---   this is my symphony."

William Henry Channing <click here and leave us a message for any breaking news that you would like to tell us about.

Objectives of this page:  this page is intended to show that which is most current in the way of news applicable to our San Miguel expatriate residents.  "Current", obviously, is subjective and relative, as we must rely on our readers for their input from local radio, local TV, and from the Spanish language press, as well as  input from the various parts of the Internet.