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International Call to the Soldiers                  Home



Soldiers and Veterans:


Dave Blalock, Vietnam Veteran, US Army, 1968-71,



Darnell Stephen Summers, Vietnam Veteran, US Army, 1966-70,



Ken Nichols, Gulf War Veteran, US Marines, 1989-92,



G. James, Anti-Vietnam War Vet, Conscientious Objector Status

since 1970  and  PROUD OF IT.


Steve Feld, US Army, 1983-84, Ch.10 Discharge „FOR THE GOOD



Anton Black, Navy/USA 1977-84, VVAWAI


Dean Flowers, USAF Ret., “Every No-Win war the US

was  involved in, 1950-1976”.


Bryan Smith, Veteran,  British Army


John Rizzo, USAF 1957-1965, ANTI-VIETNAM WAR VET


Eyal Rozenberg, Israeli Intelligence 1999-2000


Tim Looney,  USMC 1982 - 1986


Joachim Guillard, Deutsche  Bundeswehr, 1977-79, Germany

Stop den  zensierten  Massenmord  in Irak!!


John Pozzi, US  Air Force,  18555375, 1957 - 1964


Juergen Winter,  German Army. Jan-Oct. 2001 Veteran


Mike Ellis,  British Army 1984-1992 Gulf War Veteran


Moshe Yaalon,  Israeli Army


Nimrod Halpern,  Israeli Defence Forces


Andreas Decker,  Zivil Dienst, Bremen Germany 1994 – 95


Shraga Elam, Israeli Army, Veteran of 1967 & 1973 wars


Samuel A. Guillen, National Guard/USA


Michael Behrendt, German Army Reserves


Vietnam Veterans Against The War Anti Imperialist, USA


George Pumphrey,  US Army, 1968-70


Calle Kleiner, Bundeswehr, 1982-83


Michael Zöpfel, 1986-1989 Nationale Volksarmee (German DemocraticRepublic) “Krieg den Kriegstreibern in Wirtschaft, Politik und Medien! Krieg der internationalen (Aggressions-Gemeinschaft! Frieden allen Menschen guten Willens! “


Marcus Johnson, US Army


John King,  Air Force, United States


Craig Muma  US Army, 1972-75


Christopher Bertone , USMC


Jürgen Hinrichs, German Wehrmacht,  WWII


AULE1., Revolution Anarchiste en espagne 1936-1937


Holger Auerswald,  NVA -DDR, Nachrichten Kompanie 1181


Don Broadwell, USMC


Wesley Sudbury, US Army


Carol Carlisle, Civilian employee, U.S. Embassy, Saigon, Vietnam


Peter R. Deveau, United States Navy, 1960-64


John L.Opperman, US Navy (1951-1973)


Greg A. O'Neill, US Navy (70-74) US Army (79-83)


Conny Renkl, Deutsche Bundeswehr 1967-69

Teilnehmer am Soldatenmarsch 1984


Bernd Lukoschik, Deutsche Bundeswehr 1972-73


David Owen Carson, U.S. Army, 4/7 Inf 3rd Brigade 3 Inf.


Michael Franke, Veteran NVA/Deutschland


Georg Sievers, PzArt., Bundeswehr 1999-2000


Conny Renkl  Deutsche Bundeswehr 1967-69, Teilnehmer am Soldatenmarsch 1984





Anja Gärtner


Barbara Ellingsen


H. Brenner.     Unterst¸tzung des Soldatenaufrufes


Catarina Grilo


Christian Fichtner


Claudia Hartwig-Dolter


Cornelia Barth             Its time for the Nesara-Law to come in Order to stop this evil Regime once and for all.


Deborah-Leigh ACS every gun that is fired, every warship launched... signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. dwight d. eisenhower






Elizabeth Roebling


G. James          Anti-Vietnam War Vet, Conscientious Objector† Status† since1970 and PROUD OF IT.


Brigitte Gaertner-Coulibaly


Gerard Lapagesse     Thanks from the bottom of my heart, guys, for this initiative attempting to restaure some of America's humanitarian ideals.Patriotism should never be limited to unanimous goose-stepping behind any flag, nor any barking general in chief. People have never been so educated and informed in history; it is about time they use their brain and individual thinking, instead of sheepishly following the first war monger who barks


Guido Vanham, MD PhD      Great initiative. Please carry on.


Elfriede und Dieter Gärtner


Hans Martin Hoff


Heinrich, Anton und Karin   Wir unterst¸tzen voll inhaltlich diesen Appell.We support this call in full content.Anton und Karin Heinrich


Ilse Möhlsteph


Ingrid Brown          Anyone who has experienced war first hand will never want war again. I am very much against this projected attack on Iraq.

Isabel Schneider


Jacques NENO


Jean-Charles CABANEL      Il n'y a pas de


Joachim Schmucker


Joana Silva


johanna Schneider


Karin Bittermann


Peter Lorscheidt         I would like all humans those am ready, this US president and its Oelmafia with its war adventures into the arm to fall to support!!!!!


Manuela Sacarr„o


Matt Leitch    There was never a good war or a bad peace!


MAUDEUX Henriette            j'ai 85 ans et n'ai pas de moyens informatiques‡ ma disposition. J'ai connu votre appel par l'intermÈdiaire de ma fille (signataire Ègalememnt, et manifestant ‡ Paris aujourd'hui)Je lui ai demandÈ de faire le nÈcessaire en mon nom.J'adhÈre complÈtement ‡ votre appel ! les guerres n'ont jamais rien arrangees, seul les intÈrÍts de toutes natures les ont dÈclenchÈes pour le grand malheur des populations .


Max Renkl      Reservist der Bundeswehr, 1996


Mc Closkey, Carmen

Meike Lu Schneider


Miguel Mora de la Rosa        i don’t understand why the most people don’t recognize or see the shitty political situation in the USA. All people think about money money and beauty. :-) the most people think, if our life in here is ok, don¥t think about Africa for example. Ok they think about it,but they make no action to change this world situation.bush is antichrist and nobody knows. Why more money for military when they say the world need no war. death in the name of god?How can we make this opinion to more people in the world. WE NEED ONE PERSON OR A GROUP to re