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An International Call From Veterans and Soldiers

To Members Of The Armed Forces !


We Are Facing a Serious Choice:

Perpetual War or Resistance !


One year after September 11, 2001 it has become very clear that the grand alliance of ‚Benign Imperialists’(as they call themselves) are using the ‚War on Terrorism’ to continue to further their ‚right’ to make war on anybody, anywhere in the world, at any time, by any means. International treaties and conventions are ignored. Borders, other than their own, are proclaimed to have no significance as they march into any country or board any ship on the open seas. POWs are put in chains and flown away to Cuba like slaves in total violation of the Geneva Convention.


They have rained death and destruction on the people of Afghanistan, sent troops to the Philippines and to Yemen, are carrying out mass slaughter in Palestine and they are gearing up now to attack Iraq, while they threaten Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, and 60 other countries. Led by the rulers of the USA--who have asserted their right to world hegemony and are now declaring themselves Supreme Judge, Jury and Executioner--all the big powers are taking part in a global offensive against the people of the world.


At the same time they are instituting police state measures in their ‚home countries’. They are creating the means to stifle any resistance against their war and the system it serves. In the name of ‚defending freedom’ they are implementing the very repressive measures they claim to be fighting against. Perpetual war abroad means mass repression at home.


As Veterans and Soldiers from many countries we call on the troops of all Armies taking part in this Offensive to REFUSE...RESIST...REBEL!!


Imperialists  are imperialists, and there is nothing ‚benign’ about them when they go to war. They are always seeking to fortify and extend their political, economic and military control over the globe. They tell us to defend their ‚civilizations’, but what is civilized about societies built on slavery, genocide, colonialism and perpetual war. Their definition of ‚civilization’ is a world where the riches of a small elite in a handful of countries are literally stolen from the sweat and blood of the oppressed populations in the rest of the world, as they ecologically destroy the planet in the process.


Yes, they also have differences amongst themselves, and we see how the US is trying to ram its program down the throats of the rest, with Great Britain as its main cheerleader while their partners like Germany, France, or Russia scramble over what moves should be made next on the global chess board. One thing is certain, no matter what country you were born in, every move they make is not in your interest, but in theirs. We are their pawns and they will use us as long as they deem necessary or until they decide to sacrifice us in the interest of the game. If you survive, one quickly learns what it is like to be a used pawn (i.e. war veteran), discarded and left alone to face the psychological or physical after effects of war. This translates into sicknesses and slow death for you and/or the prospect of birth defects for your children as a result of Agent Orange, depleted uranium, inoculations, or whatever else they cook up for us this time.


They tell us that the Al Quiada is responsible for the attacks against the U.S. The truth is Osama Bin Laden and Co. are creations of the US-rulers’ big power politics; and in the murky underworld of their intrigues, who really knows who actually planned the attack and who looked the other way to let it happen. The US and its allies provided the materials that fueled the War Machines of both Saddam Hussein and the Taliban and everything was fine as long as they worked in the interests of one or the other imperialists. All of these regimes and ‚terrorist networks’ (formerly referred to as ´freedom fighters`) are funded and supported to oppress their own people or to wage war against someone else. It is only when they stop following orders that they become a ‚danger to world civilization’. Our rulers are not trying to free the people from tyranny; all they want to do is replace one set of reactionary puppets with another, one who will more loyally serve their masters.


It is time to put an end to this Madness!


From our own experience, we know all too well what ´defending our country` really means: killing and dying for the interests of those who rule over us. Be it the war against `Communism`, the ´War on Drugs` or the war against ´Terrorism`, they always find a term to rally us around their flags and march us off to fight for their holy empires.


The situation today is no different than in all the other wars for Power, Profit, and Plunder. Our rulers don’t give a damn about the civilians who were killed on Sept. 11. Whatever disagreements they may have among themselves, they are all using our emotions to wage war in order to recast their empires in their own interests. This means more suffering, more oppression, more domination, more exploitation and more death for the people of the World and ultimately it means the same for you.


Without loyal troops there can be no war. We have learned that as soldiers in the oppressor’s armies we are just cogs in the wheel of their death machine. But we have also learned that organized resistance within the military can put a massive wrench in this machine.


It is time to unite with the oppressed of the world,

not with the oppressors who force us to cut each others throats!


1. Dave Blalock, Vietnam Veteran, US Army, 1968-71, VVAW/AI, STWB


2. Darnell Stephen Summers, Vietnam Veteran, US Army, 1966-70,



3. Ken Nichols, Gulf War Veteran, US Marines, 1989-92, 



4. G. James, Anti-Vietnam War Vet, Conscientious Objector  Status  since

    1970  and  PROUD OF IT.  


5. Steve Feld, US Army, 1983-84, Ch.10 Discharge „FOR THE GOOD



6. John Rizzo, USAF 1957-1965, ANTI-VIETNAM WAR VET


7.  Dean Flowers, USAF Ret., Every No-Win war the US

was  involved in, 1950-1976.


8.  Bryan Smith, Veteran,  British Army To sign this call contact:


Stop The War Brigade


Hotline:                                          49 (0)177 481-6128(Germany)





Website:    STWB                



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