International Relations

Utopian Liberalism
International Society
International Political Economy (IPE)

In his essay "One world, many theories", Stephen M. Walt provides a general view of theoretical developments within IR. The site is hosted by

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Utopian Liberalism

"The World War I Document Archive" contains official documents, conventions, treaties and memorials related to the First World War. The site is hosted by Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University.

Click here to read the full text of Immanuel Kant’s "Perpetual Peace". The text is provided by Constitution Society.

This site provides a collection of links to web sites on Immanuel Kant’s Perpetual Peace.

The site "Wilson on the Web: To Make the World Safe for Democracy" provides articles, speeches and biographies of Woodrow Wilson, as well as links to, among other things, Wilson’s Fourteen Points. The site is maintained by Yahoo! GeoCities.

Click here to read the full text of the Covenant of the League of Nations. The text is provided by Tufts University.

Click here to read the full text of the Kellogg-Briand Pact. The text is provided by the Avalon Project at Yale Law School.

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This site contains a comprehensive list of documents, public speeches, and treaties from World War II, including the Yalta Agreement and the Atlantic Charter. The site is maintained by the Avalon Project at Yale Law School.

Click here for information about the Cold War and links to other related sites. The site is hosted by PJ

This site contains online versions of some of the works written by the maker of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. The site is maintained by the Victorian Web.

Click here to read an extract (chapter 4 and 5) of "The Twenty Year’s Crisis" which contains E. H. Carr’s famous critique of Utopian Liberalism as well as a presentation of Realist thought. The text is provided by Mount Holyoke College.

Click here for a discussion of E. H. Carr’s works. The site is maintained by The Global Site.

Click here to read an extract from Hans J. Morgenthau’s "Politics among Nations". The site is hosted by bigchalk.

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This site, maintained by University of Helsinki, provides information about the origins and ideas of behavioralism.

Click here to read a paper on "Empirical-Quantitative Approaches to the Study of International Relations", written by Bear F. Braumoeller and Anne E. Sartori. The paper is provided by the Faculty of Arts & Sciences at Harvard University.

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Here, Susan George provides "A Short History of Neoliberalism". The site is maintained by Global Policy Forum.

Click here to see the official website of the European Union.

The homepage of OECD contains documents, news and statistics from the organization.

Click here to read documents and news from the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Click here to read an essay which discusses the effect of democratization on the nature of international relations. The essay is provided by Yahoo! GeoCities.

In "The Strange Death of Liberal International Theory" Christian Reus-Smit explores new developments within Liberal IR Theory. The paper is published in The European Journal of International Law.

As stated by the author, "this paper focuses on the resurgence of Liberalism after the Cold War". The paper is provided by Yahoo! GeoCities.

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In their book "The Logic of Anarchy: Neorealism and Structural Realism", Barry Buzan, Charles Jones and Richard Little explore the theoretical development within Realist thought. The book is provided by Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO).

Click here for the full text of Kenneth Waltz’ paper "The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: More May Better" on nuclear deterrence in a bipolar world. The site is maintained by Mount Holyoke College.

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International Society

This site is maintained by Barry Buzan, University of Kent, and provides a comprehensive list of links to papers as well as information about conferences and working groups related to the English School.

The essay "Hedley Bull and the Sociology in International Relations Theory: International Society Revisited", written by Erol Hofmans, focuses on the main elements in Hedley Bull’s theory of International Society, that is international order, international institutions and the concept of international society itself. The essay is provided by IYOCO.

Click here to read a paper on "Hedley Bull and International Security", written by Samuel M. Makinda. The paper is provided by the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.

The homepage of the United Nations provides information about the UN as well as links to institutions operating within the UN framework.

Click here for access to a comprehensive collection of official UN documents, hosted by the UN itself.

This site contains information about UN’s view of human rights, including the full text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The site is maintained by the UN.

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International Political Economy (IPE)

"The Third World Network" provides information about all kinds of issues related to the Third World.

Click here for access to a comprehensive online archive of the works of several Marxist writers, including Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The site, hosted by the Marxists Internet Archive, also provides an account of Marxist history as well as an encyclopaedia of Marxism.

Modern History Sourcebook, maintained by Fordham University, has made a summary of Wallerstein’s World System Theory.

"An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations". Click here to read the full text of Adam Smith’s famous work, provided by the Library of Economics and Liberty.

For a historical overview of Economic Neoliberalism, click here to read the essay "A Primer on Neoliberalism".

"The "Manchester School" was the term the British politician Benjamin Disraeli used to refer to the 19th Century free trade movement in Great Britain". Click here for information about the Manchester School and a comprehensive collection of links to other web resources on Economic Liberalism. The site is maintained by New School University.

On this site, Daniele Besomi provides a wide range of links to web sites on Economic Liberalism.

Click here to read an online version of Friedrich List’s "The National System of Political Economy". The text is provided by University of Bristol.
