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Christian History Institute

Early Church Documents

Ecclesiology: A Study in Church History

CHURCH FATHERS according to year. 

30-60 Passion Narrative
40-80 Lost Sayings Gospel Q
50-60 1 Thessalonians
50-60 Philippians
50-60 Galatians
50-60 1 Corinthians
50-60 2 Corinthians
50-60 Romans
50-60 Philemon
50-80 Colossians
50-90 Signs Gospel
50-95 Book of Hebrews
50-120 Didache
50-140 Gospel of Thomas
50-140 Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospel
50-200 Sophia of Jesus Christ
65-80 Gospel of Mark
70-100 Epistle of James
70-120 Egerton Gospel
70-160 Gospel of Peter
70-160 Secret Mark
70-200 Fayyum Fragment
70-200 Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
73-200 Mara Bar Serapion
80-100 2 Thessalonians
80-100 Ephesians
80-100 Gospel of Matthew
80-110 1 Peter
80-120 Epistle of Barnabas
80-130 Gospel of Luke
80-130 Acts of the Apostles
80-140 1 Clement
80-150 Gospel of the Egyptians
80-150 Gospel of the Hebrews
80-250 Christian Sibyllines
90-95 Apocalypse of John
90-120 Gospel of John
90-120 1 John
90-120 2 John
90-120 3 John
90-120 Epistle of Jude
93 Flavius Josephus
100-150 1 Timothy
100-150 2 Timothy
100-150 Titus
100-150 Apocalypse of Peter
100-150 Secret Book of James
100-150 Preaching of Peter
100-160 Gospel of the Ebionites
100-160 Gospel of the Nazoreans
100-160 Shepherd of Hermas
100-160 2 Peter
100-200 Odes of Solomon
101-220 Book of Elchasai
105-115 Ignatius of Antioch
110-140 Polycarp to the Philippians
110-140 Papias
110-160 Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospel
110-160 Traditions of Matthias
111-112 Pliny the Younger
115 Suetonius
115 Tacitus
120-130 Quadratus of Athens
120-130 Apology of Aristides
120-140 Basilides
120-140 Naassene Fragment
120-160 Valentinus
120-180 Apocryphon of John
120-180 Gospel of Mary
120-180 Dialogue of the Savior
120-180 Gospel of the Savior
120-180 2nd Apocalypse of James
120-180 Trimorphic Protennoia
130-140 Marcion
130-150 Aristo of Pella
130-160 Epiphanes On Righteousness
130-160 Ophite Diagrams
130-160 2 Clement
130-170 Gospel of Judas
130-200 Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus
140-150 Epistula Apostolorum
140-160 Ptolemy
140-160 Isidore
140-170 Fronto
140-170 Infancy Gospel of James
140-170 Infancy Gospel of Thomas
140-180 Gospel of Truth
150-160 Martyrdom of Polycarp
150-160 Justin Martyr
150-180 Excerpts of Theodotus
150-180 Heracleon
150-200 Ascension of Isaiah
150-200 Acts of Peter
150-200 Acts of John
150-200 Acts of Paul
150-200 Acts of Andrew
150-225 Acts of Peter and the Twelve
150-225 Book of Thomas the Contender
150-250 Fifth and Sixth Books of Esra
150-300 Authoritative Teaching
150-300 Coptic Apocalypse of Paul
150-300 Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
150-300 Melchizedek
150-400 Acts of Pilate


150-400 Anti-Marcionite Prologues
160-170 Tatian's Address to the Greeks
160-180 Claudius Apollinaris
160-180 Apelles
160-180 Julius Cassianus
160-250 Octavius of Minucius Felix
161-180 Acts of Carpus
165-175 Melito of Sardis
165-175 Hegesippus
165-175 Dionysius of Corinth
165-175 Lucian of Samosata
167 Marcus Aurelius
170-175 Diatessaron
170-200 Dura-Europos Gospel Harmony
170-200 Muratorian Canon
170-200 Treatise on the Resurrection
170-220 Letter of Peter to Philip
175-180 Athenagoras of Athens
175-185 Irenaeus of Lyons
175-185 Rhodon
175-185 Theophilus of Caesarea
175-190 Galen
178 Celsus
178 Letter from Vienna and Lyons
180 Passion of the Scillitan Martyrs
180-185 Theophilus of Antioch
180-185 Acts of Apollonius
180-220 Bardesanes
180-220 Kerygmata Petrou
180-230 Hippolytus of Rome
180-250 1st Apocalypse of James
180-250 Gospel of Philip
182-202 Clement of Alexandria
185-195 Maximus of Jerusalem
185-195 Polycrates of Ephesus
188-217 Talmud
189-199 Victor I
190-210 Pantaenus
193 Anonymous Anti-Montanist
193-216 Inscription of Abercius
197-220 Tertullian
200-210 Serapion of Antioch
200-210 Apollonius
200-220 Caius
200-220 Philostratus
200-225 Acts of Thomas
200-250 Didascalia
200-250 Books of Jeu
200-300 Pistis Sophia
200-300 Coptic Apocalypse of Peter
203 Acts of Perpetua and Felicitas
203-250 Origen


On Early Christian Writings- ONLINE BOOKS


bulletEusebius of Caesarea
bulletEdgar J. Goodspeed, An Introduction to the New Testament
bulletGeorge A. Jackson, The Post-Nicene Greek Fathers
bulletH. Latimer Jackson, The Problem of the Fourth Gospel
bulletKirsopp Lake, Landmarks of Early Christianity
bulletJ. B. Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers
bulletAlfred Loisy, The Birth of the Christian Religion
bulletAlfred Loisy, The Origins of the New Testament
bulletAlbert Schweitzer, The Quest of the Historical Jesus
bulletE. F. Scott, The Fourth Gospel: Its Purpose and Theology
bulletJ. H. Srawley, The Epistles of St. Ignatius
bulletDavid Friedrich Strauss, The Life of Jesus Critically Examined
bulletJ. Tixeront, A Handbook of Patrology
bulletC. D. Yonge, The Works of Philo
bulletWilliam Barclay, Many Witnesses, One Lord
bulletWalter Bauer, Orthodoxy and Heresy
bulletChrysostomus Baur, John Chrysostom and His Time
bulletLouis Berkhof, New Testament Introduction
bulletDaniel Boyarin, A Radical Jew: Paul and the Politics of Identity
bulletF. F. Bruce, The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?
bulletE. W. Bullinger, The Apocalypse
bulletRudolf Bultmann, Jesus and the Word
bulletRudolf Bultmann, Kerygma and Myth
bulletMillar Burrows, Jesus in the First Three Gospels
bulletWilliam R. Cannon, The Book of Acts
bulletWilliam R. Cannon, The Gospel of John
bulletWilliam R. Cannon, The Gospel of Matthew
bulletEdward Carpenter, Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
bulletWalter Richard Cassels, Supernatural Religion: An Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation
bulletR. H. Charles, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on The Revelation of St. John
bulletW. H. Daubney, Three Additions to Daniel: A Study
bulletStevan Davies, The Gospel of Thomas and Christian Wisdom
bulletWilliam J. Deane, Pseudepigrapha: An Account of Certain Apocryphal Sacred Writings of the Jews and Early Christians
bulletMartin Dibelius, Jesus
bulletC. H. Dodd, The Apostolic Preaching and Its Developments
bulletJames J. O'Donnell, Cassiodorus
bulletM. G. Easton, Easton's Bible Dictionary
bulletRonald L. Ecker, And Adam Knew Eve: A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible
bulletAlfred Edersheim, Bible History, Old Testament
bulletAlfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
bulletAlfred Edersheim, Sketches of Jewish Social Life
bulletAlfred Edersheim, The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
bulletGeorge Edmundson, Church in Rome in the First Century
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bulletVernard Eller, The Most Revealing Book of the Bible
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bulletWilliam Floyd, Mistakes of Jesus
bulletSir James George Frazer, The Golden Bough
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bulletKenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Before Jerusalem Fell: Dating the Book of Revelation
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bulletJohn Knox, Jesus Lord and Christ
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bulletGerald Larue, Old Testament Life and Literature
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bulletH. P. Liddon, Explanatory Analysis of St. Paul's First Epistle to Timothy
bulletJohn Lightfoot, A Commentary on the New Testament From the Talmud and Hebraica
bulletJ. B. Lightfoot, The Brethren of the Lord
bulletJ. B. Lightfoot, On Some Points Connected with the Essenes
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bulletM. M. Mangasarian, The Truth About Jesus: Is He a Myth?
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bulletGary North, Tools of Dominion: The Case Laws of Exodus
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bulletNorman Perrin, Rediscovering the Teachings of Jesus
bulletG. de Purucker, The Story of Jesus
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bulletWilliam M. Ramsay, A Historical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians
bulletWilliam M. Ramsay, The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia
bulletWilliam M. Ramsay, St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen
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bulletJocelyn Rhys, Shaken Creeds: The Virgin Birth Doctrine
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bulletPhilip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom, Vol. I, The History of Creeds
bulletPhilip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom, Vol. II, The Greek and Latin Creeds
bulletPhilip Schaff, History of the Christian Church
bulletPhilip Schaff, The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
bulletThomas Sheehan, The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity
bulletRoger Shinn, The Sermon on the Mount
bulletRay C. Stedman, Hebrews: The New Testament Commentary Series
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bulletJoseph Wheless, Forgery in Christianity
bulletJoseph Wheless, Is It God's Word?
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Greco-Roman Backgrounds
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150 BC to 174 AD
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bulletThe Apostolic Era
bulletThe Close of the Apostolic Era
bulletEarly Christologies: The Interpretation of Jesus
bulletGentile Christianity in the Second Century AD
bulletChristianity and the Roman Government
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175 to 324 AD
bulletOrigins of Gnosticism
bulletGnostic Literature
bulletCharacteristics of Gnosticism
bulletGnosticism and the New Testament
bulletThe Catholic Church
bulletIrenaeus of Lyon
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325 to 439 AD
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440 to 1384 AD
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1385 to 1564 AD
bulletMartin Luther
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Historical Studies / Church History Vanderbilt Divinity School

e-Catena: Compiled Allusions to the NT in the Ante-Nicene Fathers

Historical Jesus Theories


Nag Hammadi Library

Noncanonical Homepage
"Documents to aid students and scholars alike in Biblical interpretation"
From the Wesley Center for Applied Theology

The Protestant Reformation Hanover College