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Scofield Graduate School & Theological Seminary 

Scofield Graduate School and Seminary is an accredited distance learning seminary offering Associate through Doctoral degrees.  SGSS has the following majors at the Associate -- Doctoral level: Ministry, Theology, Biblical Studies, Christian Education, Apologetics and Creation Apologetics (e.g., Creation Science). 

Scofield is accredited by the International Council for Accrediting Alternate and Theological Studies (ICAATS), India.   ICAATS is a recognized accrediting agency by the Indian government and thus falls under internationally recognized  accreditation. 

   VISIT Scofield's web site for more information:       


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Online Books by Subject

bulletA: General Works
bulletB-BD: Philosophy
bulletBF: Psychology (also parapsychology and the occult)
bulletBH-BJ: Aesthetics, Ethics, Etiquette
bulletBL-BX: Religion
bulletBL: Religion: General, Miscellaneous, and Atheism
bulletBM: Judaism (Jewish Bibles and biblical commentary are found in BS)
bulletBP: Islam, Baha'i, and New Religions
bulletBQ: Buddhism
bulletBR-BX: Religion: Christianity and the Bible
bulletBR: Christianity (General)
bulletBS: The Bible (Hebrew and Christian)
bulletBT: Christian Doctrine
bulletBV: Christian Practice
bulletBX: Christian Denominations
bulletC: History: Auxiliary sciences
bulletD: History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas
bulletDA Great Britain and Ireland
bulletDAW Central Europe
bulletDB Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia
bulletDC France, Andorra, Monaco
bulletDD Germany
bulletDE Mediterreanean Region, Greco-Roman World
bulletDF Greece
bulletDG Italy
bulletDH-DJ Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands
bulletDJK Eastern Europe
bulletDK Russia, Former Soviet Republics, Poland
bulletDL Northern Europe, Scandinavia
bulletDP Spain, Portugal
bulletDR Balkan Region
bulletDS Asia
bulletDT Africa
bulletDU Oceania, Australia, New Zealand
bulletDX Roma (Gypsies)
bulletE: History: United States (General)
bulletF: History: United States (Regional), and the Americas
bulletG: Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, Recreation
bulletG-GB: Geography (General and Physical)
bulletGC: Oceanography
bulletGE: Environmental Sciences
bulletGF: Human Geography
bulletGN: Anthroplogy
bulletGR: Folklore
bulletGT: Manners and Customs (see also Etiquette in BJ)
bulletGV: Recreation and Leisure
bulletH: Social Sciences
bulletHA: Statistics
bulletHB-HJ: Economics and Business
bulletHB: Economic Theory and Demography
bulletHC-HD: Economic History and Conditions
bulletHE: Transportation and Communications
bulletHF: Commerce
bulletHG: Finance
bulletHJ: Public Finance
bulletHM: Sociology (General)
bulletHN: Social History, Problems, and Reform
bulletHQ: Family, Marriage, Sex and Gender
bulletHS: Societies and Clubs
bulletHT: Cities, Communities, Ethnicity
bulletHV: Social Service, Welfare, Criminology
bulletHX: Socialism, Communism, Utopias, Anarchism
bulletJ: Political Science
bulletK: Law (see also J for some constitutional works)
bulletL: Education
bulletM: Music
bulletN: Fine Arts
bulletP: Language and Literature
bulletPA: Classical Languages and Literature
bulletPB: Modern European Languages; Celtic Languages and Literature
bulletPC: Romance Languages
bulletPE: English Language
bulletPG: Slavic (incl. Russian) Languages and Literature
bulletPH: Uralic and Basque (incl. Finnish and Hungarian) Languages and Literature
bulletPJ-PL: Literature: African, Asian, and Pacific
bulletPM: Indigeneous American and Artificial Languages
bulletPN: Literature: General, Criticism, Collections
bulletPQ: Literature: French, Italian, and Spanish
bulletPR: Literature: English (non-American)
bulletPS: Literature: American
bulletPT: Literature: Germanic
bulletQ: Science
bulletQA: Mathematics and Computer Science
bulletQB-QE: Physical Sciences
bulletQB: Astronomy
bulletQC: Physics
bulletQD: Chemistry
bulletQE: Geology
bulletQH-QR: Biological Sciences
bulletQH: Natural History and Biology (General)
bulletQK: Botany
bulletQL: Zoology
bulletQM: Human Anatomy
bulletQP: Physiology
bulletQR: Microbiology
bulletR: Medicine
bulletS: Agriculture
bulletT: Technology
bulletTA: Engineering (General and Civil)
bulletTC: Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering
bulletTD: Technology and the Environment (including pollution)
bulletTE-TG: Highways, Railways, and Bridges
bulletTH: Building Construction
bulletTJ: Mechanical Engineering
bulletTK: Electrical Engineering (and computer networks); Nuclear Engineering
bulletTL: Motor Vehicles, Air and Space Technology
bulletTN: Mining and Metallurgy
bulletTP: Chemical Technology
bulletTR: Photography
bulletTS: Manufacturing
bulletTT: Handicrafts; Arts and Crafts
bulletTX: Home Economics (including food and cooking)
bulletU: Military Science
bulletV: Naval Science
bulletZ: Bibliography and Library Science