Falls Road (West Belfast)
Bogside (Derry)
Londonderry from the Bogside
Derry Former RUC watchtower (Londonderry)
East Belfast
Shankill Road (West Belfast)
Off Ardoyne Road (West Belfast)
East Belfast
West Belfast
Bicycles like horses in Shankill Road (West Belfast)
Real IRA mural in the Bogside (Derry)
East Belfast (July 2002) British watchtower (Londonderry)
Peace Wall (Falls Road/Shankill Road)
Bogside (Derry)
East Belfast
Shankill Road (West Belfast)
East Belfast Falls Road (West Belfast) "What it´s important is what is not shown. The things one cannot see are those that impige most on your life...that you are being whatched, and surveillance happens continously. You cannot photograph these things. They are not public. They are not seen. How can one photograph a psychological state that you experience daily. Survelliance is a condition -it happens all the time. It´s like the wheather in winter, constantly grey. There is no break. It´s only afterwards that you realize the extent of the oppresive situation you were in" WILLIE DOHERTY, Artist
"O que é importante é aquilo que non se amosa. Aquelas cousas que non vemos son as que máis afectan ás nosas vidas...que estás a ser vixiado, e que a vixiancia ocorre continuadamente. Estas cousas non se ven. Cómo podes fotografar un estado psicolóxico que un experimenta cada día. A vixiancia é unha condición -ocorre todo o tempo. É coma o tempo en inverno, sempre grisallo. Sen parar. É só despois cando te decatas do alcance da opresiva situación na que vives" WILLIE DOHERTY, Artist