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Australian Astrological
Meetings, Seminars and Events

It is my personal belief that students of astrology at all levels of understanding should attend
as many meetings and discussions of astrology as they are able
- all schools of astrological thought have
something to offer those who seek.........................
astrology after all is about open ended, questing knowledge

Please email the details and/or changes to your meetings or special events to :-

The Australian Society of Astrologers
The ASA meets in Sydney on the first Friday of every month from 7:00 PM for astrology talks, lectures and discussion. Friendly, fear free astrology from beginner to professional.
Bring your own chart or we can provide you with one if you have your birth date, time and place of birth.
Members $5-00, visitors and non-members $8-00
For more information, or if you would like to present material to the group……..
Contact: Gregory de Montfort
:, Telephone/Facsimile: +61 2 9754 2999

In Brisbane, the ASA meets on the first Thursday of every month
For further details contact Renee Badger: Telephone +61 7 5445 8017

For details of South Australian activities please contact Peter Whitewood : Telephone +61 8 8340 8834

The National Council for Geocosmic Research
The Forming Sydney Chapter of the NCGR meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM for astrological discussion on research into the correlation between cosmic phenomena and life on Earth.
If you would like to be a part of the expansion of astrological thought in this country then .....
Contact: Gregory de Montfort
:, Telephone/Facsimile: +61 2 9754 2999

The Theosophical Society - Blavatsky Lodge
Phillip Lindsay presents discussions on esoteric astrology every Friday at Theosophy House, the 2nd Floor, 484 Kent St Sydney.
Suggested Donations toward expenses: Non-members $5-00/ Concessions: $2-50
Telephone: +61 2 0267 6955 Facsimile: +61 2 9283 3772 email:

The Sydney Astrological Research Society
Australia's oldest established astrological society, SARS meets every Wednesday night at 7:30 PM, at The Wholistic Health Centre, 17 Randle St, Surrey Hills, just across the road from Central Station (use the Devonshire Sreet Exit). Beginners most welcome. Guest speakers required.
Members $5-00, visitors and non-members $8-00
Contact: Val Dowling - Telephone: +61 2 9713 4177 email:

The Astrological Association of NSW
The New South Wales affiliate of the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA) meets on the first Saturday of the month at the Gladesville Community Centre, in Pittwater Rd, at 1:00 PM.
Contact: Sherrynne Dalby - Telephone: +61 02 47512562 email:

The Australian Council of Vedic Astrology
Lecture Meetings the 3rd Saturday of every month (except December) with various speakers. 1pm to 4pm. 1st Floor, Castlereagh Inn, 169 Castlereagh St. Sydney. Non-Members most welcome.
Contact: Keven Barrett - fax or phone +61 2 4757 3019. email:


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