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About Gregory J. de Montfort's
Astrology on the Web

Hi!!! And welcome to my website!!!
As a practising astrologer, I created this site to disseminate astrological information and thought,
and to encourage all who are interested in the ancient and honorable art of astrology
to pursue its knowledge in the furtherment of personal growth and understanding of our fellow man.

The joy of astrology lies not in the prediction of events,
but in reaching for a greater understanding of the unfoldment
of the specialness and unique individuality
of the experience of human existence.

I hope that you find the following pages both enjoyable and informative..............

Home, Astrology Services, Astrological Articles, Other Services,
Gregory J. de Montfort's School of Astrology,
Astrology Associations & Societies, Australian Astrological Association Meetings & Seminars
International Events,
Astrology Links & Resources, Astrology & Related Web Rings

Reiki, Crystals, Bach Flower Remedies, Aromatherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique,
Quantitative Electroencephalograph (QEEG), Biofeedback, Neurotherapy, Meditation & Relaxation

Within the pages of this site, you will find astrology and related services, informative articles and viewpoints on astrology, links to other astrology and related sites, astrology event and meeting listings, as well as some handy resources for the serious astrologer, beginner, hobbyist or professional.

Navigate the site by using the appropriate buttons and/or underscored hypertext links.............. if you leave this site and wish to get back at any time - simply use the back button on your browser or better still, add this page to your internet favourites!!

Please feel free to contribute to this site your astrological viewpoints, articles or artwork.
Likewise, if you would like a reciprocal link, please email me the details.
All astrology related material and sites are welcome.

This Fabulous Background is "Constellation" ©1999 Martín R. Raskovsky

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Gregory J. de Montfort's
School of Astrology

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Astrological Association
Meetings & Seminars

Astrology Links


Many more pages, articles, links and resources will be added.........................

so be sure to bookmark this page................

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Gregory J. de Montfort Astrology Services
To Contact me:-

Telephone: +61 2 9754 2999
Facsimile: +61 2 9754 2999

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 7120,
Bass Hill, NSW 2197. Australia

Website by Gregory J. de Montfort


Copyright © 1999-2001 Gregory J. de Montfort. All Rights Reserved.
Contributed work is copyright the nominated author, artist.

If you wish to use any of the information on this site, would like a reciprocal link,
would like further information,
or wish to contribute, please feel free to email me.

astrologically always,
Gregory J. de Montfort


Helping to create a more understanding world………