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Last Shopping trip Final Thought |
Name: Amanda Jones
"I used to be snow white - but i drifted"
"Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps."
"640K ought to be enough for anybody."
"Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?"
"What has it got in its pocketses? - My preciousss hmm?"
"you long for me and i for you, and we alone in all this realm are worthy of each other. don't you know this?"
"The sleeping and the dead are but pictures; 'tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil"
"All goes well... till you kneel by your bed with a knife..."
"A gentleman is a man without an erection"
"Art is a lie that helps us realize the truth."
Last Shopping Trip
27th Oct
Nicknames: Manda, Mandie, Babe, General 'M',
Birthday: March 12th 1984
Sex: Female
Location: Uk
Age: 16
Height: 5"3' (ish)
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: supposedly black - in reality tabby
Religion: Catholic
Hobbies: Dance, Drama, Poetry, Listening to Music (you can get Lyrics here)
                    Mae West
                    Emo Phillips
                    Bill Gates, 1981
                    The Vampyre Armand
                    Lady Macbeth
                    Mark Wheeler
                    Pablo Piccaso
                    Red shirt, Black jumper, Black printed T, Red polo neck, Dark purple Poloneck, Black corset top, Album 'So much for the afterglow' - Everclear.