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During the ride, Marie will write a daily message, which will be posted here, to track her progress. If you would prefer to have the daily messages sent directly to your mailbox e-mail Marie's husband Ron and he will place you on the list.

Photo Album
News of Interest

Journal Entries

View old journal entries on the archive page.

Sunday, June 4, Day 58 Crawfordville- Perry FL
Monday, June 5, Day 59 Perry - Chiefland FL
Special Entry--Ride End Information
Tuesday  June 6, Day 60 Chiefland - Ocala (Ocklawaha) FL
Wednesday  June 7, Day 61 Ocala - Orlando FL
Thursday  June 8, Day 62 Orlando - Canaveral National 
Seashore FL



Five down, four to go ...

Trying to adjust to Eastern Time, we got up at 5:30 a.m. and were on the road, pushing our bikes back down the sand driveway and road at 7:00 a.m.

Forgot to mention that our host, Rod Stelter, said that his Uncle invented the Addressograph machine. If you know what one of those is, it dates you!

Also forgot to mention some of the quaint Indian names (I assume) of towns in the Florida panhandle. Sopchoppy and Wewahitchka were my favorites.

Weather was fairly cool and overcast, which kept fogging up my sunglasses.

Had to stop twice in 8 miles to wipe them off.

Could have gone a bit shorter way, but we are trying to get to 3000 miles.

Scott has a chance at it, but I don't any more, due to the SAG from Gulfport to Mobile when I had vertigo, and the SAG when my rear wheel needed
replacement. Oh well ...

Scenery today was about the same ... forest on both sides of a 2 lane road without much shoulder. I don't know what I thought Florida was going to look like, but it wasn't like this. Lots of forests with signs for private hunting clubs. Passed over a couple of rivers, the St. Mark's, the Aucilla 
and the Ecofina. Not too much road kill. 

Shelley didn't ride today. She drove, so Pat could elevate and ice her foot. It's still puffy, but she's doing all she can to help it heal (Rest, Ice, 
Compression, Elevation). Pray for healing, so she'll be able to get around OK at the HDSA Convention. Shelley plans to ride tomorrow, as she prepares to ride a full day the last day of the Bike For The Cure 2000..

We're staying in Perry tonight, in a motel, the Chapparel. Got in fairly early, after a 63 mile ride.

Just four more days of riding.

Please keep us in your prayers, for travel safety, physical stamina, and healing (for Pat's ankle.)

With love from the road,
your HD Road Warriors,
Marie (and Scott) Pat, Shelley, and Daisy Mae


Five down, four to go ...

Out and riding as the sun came up...

South the whole way on Hwy 98, a four lane highway the whole way to Chiefland. Not much shoulder, but not heavy traffic.

Shelley joined us for the first 2/3 of the ride, as Pat's ankle appears to be getting better.

Lots of interest in the ride in Tennileville; all 3 of us riders were creating awareness and raising funds. This was quite near the historic Suwannee River.

At 45 miles, we arrived in Cross City. Had lunch in a nice park there. Ate under a newly constructed pavilion. Enjoyed seeing the remaining centerpiece of an old rotating swing, like one that used to be in the park in Utah, with a yellow derby hat a blue kerchief, a red shirt, a face with no teeth in its smile, and Mr. Potato Man type face and ears.

Continued on riding, rather intense heat, but bearable due to the breeze. We were not sure where we would be staying, because we hadn't been able to reach Rev. Kent Zimmerman. When we got to Chiefland, we stopped in the Christian Book Store across from the church. Apparently we were using the wrong number! Rev. Kent Zimmerman drove over to the church, and lead us to the parsonage. Coincidentally (by God's design) he was home, when he hadn't planned to be.

Rev. Kent called the local newspaper, the Chiefland Citizen, and Kathy Richardson, a young reporter, came out and interviewed us and took some
photos for the newspaper.

Went for dinner to ABC Pizza, then to Kent's church, First United Methodist, where he gave each of us a lovely plain cedar cross (which they give to each visitor.)

Thanks to Jim Giles' sister-in-law Pat, we now have the ending of the ride set up. See a separate E-mail about it.

Since Ron will be flying to Orlando on Wednesday, there will only be Daily Messages posted to the Noone but Jenn Hickok, our webmaster, will be getting a direct posting, so she can put it on the website. Ron will forward the Daily Messages when he gets back from Orlando late Sunday evening, June 12.

Love to each of you, as always.

From Chiefland FL,
Your HD Road Warriors,
Marie (and Scott)
SAG support Pat, Shelley, and Daisy Mae



Special News

Bike For The Cure 2000 will be ending on Thursday, June 8 at the Canaveral National Seashore, at the first walkover to the ocean, inside the park. We
anticipate dipping our wheels in the Atlantic Ocean between 2-2:30 pm, God willing.

For those desiring to caravan out from Titusville to the ocean, meet at the Veteran's Memorial Park in Titusville. Drive out Hwy 50 until it ends, then
turn L through the old part of Titusville. Just beyond the old downtown, turn R onto Garden St., go one block, and the park is on the right.

Meet at the park by 12:30 pm when Scott and Marie will leave the Veteran's Park to ride to the "Playalinda Beach" at the Canaveral National Seashore.

The entry fee into the Canaveral National Seashore will be waived for those mentioning "Bike For The Cure."

If anyone wants to ride out from Orlando in the van my husband Ron is renting, E-mail him at

Hope to see you at the end of the ride!

With love and anticipation,



Four days down, three to go ...

Up and on the road at dawn. Rev. Kent was a delightful host; so grateful to Charlotte Reicks for this contact. Only regret was not getting to meet his
wife Candy.

Nice riding, cool for almost 20 miles, but once we passed through Bronson, 'The Heart of Levy County.' We got back into some low rolling hills.
Shelley managed to miss the hills, since she did an easier day today, about 25 miles as I recall. The hills were a change of pace after so much comparatively flat riding.

Began to get into some horsey country, saw some mixed breeds of cows, and even some goats. The fields aren't lush and green, though; like a lot of
places in the US, Central Florida needs rain.

After lunch under some oak trees with a lot of moss, we continued on into Ocala. Ocala appears to be the mobile home sales capital of the world! It was difficult negotiating through Ocala, since much of the shoulder was being prepped for repaving.

Continued South of Ocala, then turned off East, heading for the Young Life Camp in Ocklahawa, called Southwind. Scott has been working at a Young Life Camp in Saranac Lake NY, and Pat's husband Paul is Director of Guest Services at that same camp. That's how we got the Young Life Camp

Dinner in the camp dining hall, circular tables which seat eight. Salad, garlic bread, spaghetti, and strawberry shortcake.

Just two more days of riding ....

Just another reminder. Remember, Ron won't be able to forward the Daily Message that comes to you personally from Wednesday, June 7 until Monday,
June 13. So ... if you have Internet access, you can find the mesage at: Our webmaster, Jenn Hickok, will be posting the message to the website each day. Or if you're on the Hunt-Dis list, the message will be posted there, too.

With love and anticipation of the end of the ride, at the Canaveral National Seashore on Thursday, and looking forward to seeing "old friends" at the
HDSA Convention and meeting new ones,

Marie (and Scott)
Pat, Shelley, and Daisy Mae


Two down, one to go ...

Sagged back to Hwy 27 from the Young Life Camp, and started riding. The Hwy was very busy, and after 7 miles Shelley didn't feel up to riding. So that 
left Scott and me. The traffic eased up after the 27 Hwy and the 441 Hwy 

Back into some hills again, but not too bad.

At 30 miles, at Clermont, Scott said wasn't going to ride any more, so that just left me. I was feeling fine, so I turned onto the 50 Hwy and headed E towards Orlando. Pat continued to SAG for me, with Shelley and Scott in the van, resting.

Pat needed to get the oil changed on the van, so she stopped at a Chevy agency. I actually got there first, because they had stopped at a Mail Boxes Etc. to package up the BOB trailer that Charlotte Reicks had loaned for Scott's use.

While the oil was being changed, I road another 5 miles, into the city limits of Orlando. I stopped riding at 58 miles, in front of an Einstein Brothers
bagel shop. While waiting, I met a couple which the wife had done her student teaching in Saranac Lake, where Pat's from.

Got my bike loaded up, and got Scott dropped off at his uncle's home. He gets to renew acquaintances with his cousins, aunt, and uncle.

Then Shelley, Pat, and I drove back almost to Ocala to stay near Leesburg.

Had a hard time finding Janet's home, because the directions weren't very good, but we finally made it!

Hard to believe that tomorrow is the final day of Bike For The Cure 2000. As I reflect back, I realize that at least 3 pHD's have died during the ride: 
Alice Hinkle's dad, Ollivene Spurgeon's husband Frank, and now Donnie Thrasher, a child of 8. "Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by 
the moments that take our breath away. Let each day bring unexpected pleasures."

During the ride, at least one person who was at-risk tested negative: hooray for our Melchizadek, Ted Hatfield!

More thoughts on the ride, highlights, etc. after tomorrow.

I'm excited for the final day, knowing there will be folks at the end from the Hunt-Dis family. Last year when I ended the ride, I had to ask a total stranger to take a photo. 

I'm also excited to see my dear husband Ron, who I haven't seen for 3 1/2 weeks. As I type this, he is in an airplane that will soon be landing in Orlando.

Need to get some sleep.

From Central Florida, with love,
Marie (and Scott)
Pat, Shelley, and Daisy Mae


Hard to believe that the final day of Bike For The Cure is here.

Shelley, Pat and I SAGged back into Orlando, from up near Ocala, to pick up Scott from his cousins' house in SE Orlando. The drive was a long one, close to 1 1/2 hours, and we didn't get started until about 8:45 am, which altered both our arrival time in Titusville and at Canaveral National Seashore.

The ride started out with the luxury of a bike/walking paved trail parallel to the highway for 7 miles or so. An air of urgency prevailed, to try to make up some time, although we made our usual "pit stops" and also stopped for a few photos. My favorites were one of the "World's Fastest School bus" and the Post Office at Christmas, FL. It is decorated year-round with candy canes and garland.

Crossing the bridge over the St. John River, Scott peered into the river and shouted "Gator!" We had all wanted to see a live one, in the wild, so that wish was fulfilled! What we could see was the protruding eyeballs and the outline of a snout.

Called Pat Osheim, Nita Giles' sister, who lives in Titusville, to let her know we were approching Titusville. She is the dear lady who worked out a route for us to the ocean.

Finally Scott, Shelly, and I arrived in Titusville, a pretty large, spread out city on a bay, near the mouth of the Indian River. We rode to the Veteran's Memorial Park, where Montse Torricella, her husband Manuel, their sons Ivan and Ruben, and Asun Martinez (all from Spain) were there to cheer as we arrived. About 20 minutes later, Ron arrived in a rental van, with Lou and Roy Wilkenson, Sue Leck, and her friend Corenne. Finally, Pat arrived with lunch, from Subway.

The park was real nice, with a memorial to the Challenger 7 astronauts. After resting a bit, Scott and I set out across our last bridge and along the thin causeway our to the Atlantic Ocean. Lots of traffic, negligible shoulder. Spotted many different waterfowl; didn't know the names of any of the birds, but was enthralled with the pinkish white ones. I began to notice a vehicle with its running lights flashing. At the next pull-out, who should emerge but Ruth Hargrave, a dear friend from North Carolina.

The entrance fee into the Canaveral Nat'l Seashore was waived. We all passed by the ranger station and pressed on for the last 4 miles.

Finally made it to the parking lot for Playalinda Beach. Scott and I carried our bicycles up the wooden stairs and walk-over to the Altlantic Ocean. It was a "Kodak moment," the dipping of our front wheels into the Atlantic Ocean two months to the day since we had dipped our rear wheels in the Pacific Ocean! I had pedalled 2857.2 miles (missed the magic 3000 due to 1 day of rain, and two days of SAG due to fatigue and vertigo.)

The water was warm and inviting, so after removing my biking shoes (which were wet already) I waded out into the ocean for a well deserved cool dip! Lou and Sue both did too! It was such a freeing feeling, to know that through the grace of God, and the strength He had supplied, that the trans-America ride had been completed. I felt so blessed to have others there from the HD family, to share our joy!

Long drive back into Orlando, but I felt good snuggled in my soccer beach towel. Dropped Lou and Roy off at the Clarion, then drove down International Drive to the Best Western. It was such a thrill to walk into the poolside gathering of folks from the Hunt-Dis list, and be applauded! Met many wonderful folks who were just names before. What an absolute blessing! It felt like the Girl Scout song, "make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold."

From the depths of my heart, thanks to all who supported this venture financially, physically, and prayerfully.




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For more information or if you have comments send mail to me, the webmaster.