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In Excel there are several methods of formatting which will achieve the same results. Most formatting procedures can be carried out using the tool bar. However, more advanced features are available under the Format menu.

Step 3.01 For this chapter set up the following spreadsheet

Spreadsheet for chapter 3
Figure 3.1


Centering the headings and titles
There are two types of centering: centering the contents of a cell within the cell, or centering the contents of a cell across several cells The two types will be explained below.

1: Centering within cells
The following steps demonstrate how to center the month titles within the cell. We want to apply the formatting to all three cells at the same time, therefore we need to select all three cells together. Be careful to use only the ordinary cursor, not the fill handle.

Step 3.02 Select cells B2 through D2 by clicking in cell B2, holding down the left mouse button and dragging the cursor over to cell D2.

Step 3.03 If you have not already done so, release the mouse button.

All three cells should be highlighted, or selected.

Centering within cells
Figure 3.2

Step 3.04 Click on the centering button on the toolbar.

The centering button
Figure 3.3


2: Centering across columns
The following steps demonstrate how to center the SALES heading across all four of the columns in the table.

Step 3.05 Select cells A1 to D 1.

Centering across columns
Figure 3.4

These are the cells across which you want to center the title.

Step 3.06 Click on the center across columns tool on the toolbar.

Centering across columns button
Figure 3.5

The method of centering across columns has the advantage that if one of the column widths changes the text will automatically realign to the center.


Formatting the font
The next step is to enlarge the size of the sales title font to make it more prominent.

Step 3.07 Check that A1 is selected. Remember that this is the cell that holds the text even though it is displayed across all four columns.

Step 3.08 Click on the pull down arrow to display the font size menu as shown below.

Font size list
Figure 3.6

Step 3.09 Click on 14 to change the font size to 14 point.

Font size 14 applied
Figure 3.7

Making the font bold can be done just as easily.

Step 3.10 Select cells A1 to D2.

Step 3.11 Click on the bolding button on the tool bar.

The bold button
Figure 3.8

Both the SALES title and the months should now appear bold, as shown below.

The finished font attributes applied
Figure 3.9

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