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Formatting figures as currency
The next step is to format the figures in the table as currency.

Step 3.12 Select cells B3 to D4.

Formatting cells as currency
Figure 3.10

At this stage there are two possible methods of formatting the figures to display as currency. The quickest method is to click on the currency button on the tool bar. This would format the figures to two decimal places (e.g. $15,000.00).

The currency button
Figure 3.11

The alternative method is to choose Cells from the Format menu. We will use the latter method because it gives you more possible formatting options.

Step 3.13 Choose Cells from the Format menu.

Choose cells from the format menu
Figure 3.12

The window that appears gives you all the possible formatting options for the selected cells, including the alignment, font, and border options. The options for formatting the figures will be displayed by default.

Step 3.14 Click on the Number tab as shown below, if it is not already selected.

Step 3.15 Click on Currency in the left hand list.

Formay cells options
Figure 3.13

The list on the right will display all the possible formatting options for currency.

Step 3.16 Change the number of decimal places to zero and click on the OK button to continue.

# If the boxes are filled with hashes (#), you did not set the number of decimal places to zero. Just redo the above, but remember the decimal places. The values should now appear as currency.

Numbers formatted as currency
Figure 3.14

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