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The chart wizard – Step 3 Chart Options
At this step you will specify a title for the entire chart, and add labels for each of the two axis.

Chart title and labels
Figure 4.10

Step 4.14 Type SALES in the Chart title box.

Step 4.15 Type Month in the Category (X) axis box.

Step 4.16 Type Sales $ in the Value (Y) axis box. Note how the diagram on the right of the wizard reflects the values as you enter them.

Chart options
Figure 4.10a

Step 4.17 Click on the Next button to take you to stage 4 of the wizard.

Figure 4.11


The chart wizard – Step 4 Chart Location
This is the final step in our wizard.

Chart location
Figure 4.12

Step 4.18 By default, this should be set to “As object in” in Sheet 1. If not, make these adjustments now. This will embed the chart onto the existing opened worksheet, instead of putting in onto a new worksheet.

Step 4.19 Click on the Finish button to finish using the wizard.

Figure 4.13

The complete chart will appear on your worksheet as shown below.

The completed chart
Figure 4.14


Resizing and moving the chart
You can reposition or re-size the chart, as you consider appropriate.

Step 4.20 Click on the chart to select it if it’s not already selected. It will become surrounded by black dot called control handles.

Step 4.21 To re-size the chart, position the cursor on one of the control handles. The cursor will change to a double-headed arrow

Step 4.22 Drag the cursor until the chart size is appropriate.

Step 4.23 To proportionally re-size the chart hold down the Shift key and drag a corner control handle

Step 4.24 To move the chart, position the cursor somewhere inside the chart, click and drag the chart to an appropriate location.

Finally the worksheet should look something like

Spreadsheet with chart clearly positioned
Figure 4.15

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