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Changing the chart type
Sometimes, the chart type you selected might not display the information in the way most suitable. In this case, you will need to change the chart type so the relationships between the data variables are more clearly seen.

Step 4.25 With the chart still selected, reopen the charting tool bar selecting View/Toolbars/Chart from the main menu.

Step 4.26 Use the pull down chart type menu to change the chart to a column chart.

Changing the chart type
Figure 4.17

The chart will now appear as shown below

Bar chart
Figure 4.18


The completed worksheet
In this cocluding exercise, we will add some final touches to the spreadsheet.

Step 4.27 If the chart is still selected, click in a cell in the worksheet to select the worksheet.

Note that the chart will automatically adjust if you change any of the values from which it is derived. Practice this now as outlined below:

Step 4.28 Change the January sales figure in the table for Product 2 to $2,000. The chart should adjust to reflect this change.

Step 4.29 Change the sales back to $10,000.


Printing the chart and worksheet
Printing a worksheet, which contains a chart, is the same as printing any worksheet.

Step 4.30 Choose Print Preview from the File menu.

Step 4.31 If the picture is not already displayed in Zoom mode, click on the Zoom button to get a closer look.


Changing the page setup
From this window you can also adjust your print settings.

Step 4.32 Click on the Setup button.

Excel will automatically add headers and footers to each page. These can be removed or changed. By default the header is the file name and the footer the page number.

Now you will change the header to "SALES REPORT" as follows.

Step 4.33 Click on the Header/Footer tab.

Step 4.34 Click on the Custom Header button.

Step 4.35 Click on the center section to select it and type SALES REPORT.

Page headers
Figure 4.19

Step 4.36 Click on the OK button to return to print preview.

Print preview
Figure 4.20

Step 4.37 Click on Print to send the document to the printer, then click on the OK button to confirm the printing.


Saving the worksheet
Now it is time to save the spreadsheet.

Step 4.38 Choose Save from the File menu.

This will automatically overwrite the previous saved copy of the worksheet.


Deleting the chart
To delete a chart from your worksheet use the following steps.

Step 4.39 Select the chart.

Step 4.40 Press Delete key on your keyboard.



Exercise six
1 Using the Open Late Cafe & Co Sales Report from exercise eight, create a column chart showing the sales per region for January, as shown below.

Make the chart title January Sales and add the axis titles Sales $ and Region.

Open Late Cafe and chart
Figure 4.21

2 Print the complete worksheet.

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