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Chapter 3: Advanced Formatting

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In this chapter you will focus on advanced formatting techniques including page headers and footers, and inserting pictures. The exercises in the chapter will build on the Ampac document used earlier on in the book.

Step 1.1 Open the Ampac document which you saved at the end of the last chapter.

Step 1.2 Change to normal view by clicking on the normal view button at the bottom left of the window.

A page header is a standard piece of text which will print at the top of all the pages of the document. Similarly a page footer will print at the foot of all the pages in the document. You are going to insert a page header which displays the page number of the report.

Step 1.3 Choose Header and Footer from the View menu. The header and footer tool bar will be displayed and the insertion point is positioned in the header panel.

Headers and footers
Figure 1.1

Step 1.4 Press the Tab key twice to move the cursor to the right hand side of the header panel.

Step 1.5 Click on the page number button on the header and footer tool bar to insert the page number.

Click the page number button
Figure 1.2

A page number will appear in the header panel.

The page number is displayed
Figure 1.3

Step 1.6 Click on the Close button on the header and footer tool bar to return to the main document.

Click the close button
Figure 1.4

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