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Chapter 3: Advanced Formatting

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You may have noticed as you have been typing that some words have appeared underlined with a squiggle red line. This indicates that Word thinks that the word may be spelt wrong. If you are not sure of the correct spelling, the Word spell checker can help you.

Step 3.1 Introduce a deliberate misspelling into the document by changing the c to a k in the word projections in the paragraph above the spreadsheet.

Step 3.2 Select (highlight) the misspelled word.

Step 3.3 Click on the spell checker button to activate the spell checker.

Click on the spelling and grammar
Figure 3.1

The spell checker will provide with a list of possible words to replace the misspelled one.

Spell checking word choices
Figure 3.2

Step 3.4 Select the correct spelling and click on the change button. Word now asks if you want to check the rest of the document.

Word asks if you want to continue checking
Figure 3.3

Step 3.5 Select Yes. The spell checker will not be able to find the word Ampac in its dictionary.

The ignore all button
Figure 3.4

The word Ampac is correct in the context of this document. You have the choice of

Step 3.6 Click on Ignore All

If Word suggests any further corrections, click the ignore button to ignore the suggestions. After checking the remainder of the document, Word will inform you that it has completed checking the document.

Step 3.7 When you have completed the spell check, click on OK.

Spell check is complete, click OK
Figure 3.5



Exercise 1
Add the date to the page header. Use the date button on the header and footer tool bar to insert this.

The date button


Exercise 2
Create a Christmas Party invite. Use a single page, but include some cliparts.

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