Birch Love Spell
Birch is also known as Lady of the Woods, Paper Birch and White Birch.
Carefully gather strips of the bark at the New Moon. With red Doves Blood ink, write on a birch strip:
"Bring me true love."
Burn this along with love incenses, saying:
"Goddess of love, God of desire,
Bring to me sweet passion's fire."
The specific name of a god/goddess may be added. Or cast the bark into a stream or other flowing water, saying:
"Message of love, I set you free,
to capture a love and return to me."
Remember It is unwise to use this incantation and ritual directed toward a specific person as that would violate the rule. If a love is to come to you, it must be of that person’s free will to do so.
Quantum Magick