Quantum Magick
You are probably saying to yourself..."What is Quantum Magick?"
Quantum Magick is when you, in some way, make changes on the very basic level of being. It is effecting creation. There are several ways of doing this. The most common is by using elements to empower the "magician". This is why the spells and incantations of "the Book of Shadows" have become so popular in the pagan community. It is a manual on how to do things at the beginners level. This is not bad, being at the beginners level, there is still a lot of innocence then and the responsibility is not so great. As your abilities, knowledge and understanding grow, so does your "magick", and your responsibility.
As I mentioned the Book of Shadows I will also mention the Book of Enlightenment and The Book of Remembrance. They are very similar. I will be referring to the Book of Remembrance. This is the one that I was taught with and I have used to teach my son. To use this book, you will first learn to freely communicate with God, as you view the Divine Manifestation. When I use the Term God, I do so in a universal way, the ultimate Creator of all, including the Nine. This path is not like wicca in being a Goddess oriented path. The ultimate Creator is neither male nor female, They are all (not both, like a hermaphrodite). The Book of Remembrance is the balance of knowledge. If you were a Christian, it would be like having the COMPLETE Bible with an introduction written by the Creator.
I will include the usual spell, incantations, herbal information, astral projection, etc., etc., as these are the tools you will need to learn to use your natural abilities. It will be up to you to grow beyond using these and cause Quantum Magick to happen. If you rely only on these tools, it will be like you are choosing to always walk with crutches.
Blessings of the Nine
Table of Contents
The Magick
~Spells and Incantations~
The Library
A Video Dictionary
Updated February 11, 2007
Moon Phase Calculator
Full Moon Charts
Wheel of the Year
The Herbal
Gems and Stones