Blue Topaz

Astrological Signs of Sagittarius and Virgo

Vibrates to the Number 3

It is known as a "stone of true love and success in all endeavors". It can promote individuality and creativity, while providing for confidence in trusting ones decisions. It acts to replace negativity with love and joyfulness.

This mineral helps one to understand both the actions occurring in the “Big Picture” and the interrelationships occurring in the minute detail which compromises the “Big Picture”. It promotes the expression of ideas and instills a trust in the universe such that one may feel comfortable with the potential outcome of a situation without “doing”. It assists one in “cutting through” the curtains of uncertainty and trepidation, precipitating astute reasoning abilities and promoting the release of feelings of annoyance engendered by the loophole known as doubt.

Blue Topaz can additionally stimulate the throat chakra such that one may consciously, succinctly, and clearly verbalize that which one desires to manifest and/or communicate. It helps one to be unburdened by arrogance and unconfined by passion, allowing one to see all things clearly, and equally important in the overall scheme of life. It assists one in bringing the body, mind and spirit into union with the forces of the perfection of the universe.


Quantum Magick