Bones of Anger

Gather the bones of chickens and dry them in the sun for several days. Ring a bell three times and say:
”I call upon the Ancient Ones from the great abyss to do my bidding
I invoke Cuthalu, God of Anger and the creatures of the underworld
hear me now…

Bones of anger, bones to dust
full of fury, revenge is just
I scatter these bones, bones of rage
take thine enemy, bring him pain
I see thine enemy before me now
I bind him, crush him, bring him down
With these bones I now do crush
Make thine enemy turn to dust
torment, fire, out of control
With this hex I curse your soul
So mote it be!”

When the incantation calls for the bones to be crushed, use a hammer or your feet to stomp and crush them as if they were your enemy. Sweep up the dust and fragments and place in a bag. Sprinkle this “dust” on the property around their house.

WARNING! This is extremely powerful and could also result in death. Less powerful hexes are recommended for actual use.


Quantum Magick