Directional Correspondences
The Wheel of the North

The focus is on wisdom, practicality, symbols, ritual, ceremony, materialism and prosperity, knowledge, teaching, learning, patience, truth, and responsibility.

FocusWisdom, Practicality, Symbols, Ritual, Ceremony, Materialism and Prosperity, Sacred Knowledge, Teaching and Learning, Patience, Truth, Deep-level Ceremonies, Applied Theoretical Magick, Measuring and Planning Work, Responsibility, Codes, Authority, Deep Level Path or Earth Walk Work
EnergySteady, rhythmic, grounded. The heartbeat of Mother Earth.
The JourneyThe Journey of Wisdom
Traditional ColorsGreen, Violet, Brown, Black, White, The deep blue of the earth seen from.
Sacred SpiritsAthena -Goddess of Wisdom
Demeter -Goddess of Grain and Abundance
Rhea -Mother of all deities
Herne -Horned God of the Green Wood
Pan -God of Joy on Earth
Ariel (Uriel) -Archangel of the North, Keeper if the Sacred Wisdom
Ghob -Servant of Ariel, Earth Gnome, guide of the earth journeys
Gnomes -Elemental Spirits of Earth, ruled by Ghob
Agla -Elemental King of Earth
Sacred AnimalsBuffalo - For Wisdom and Practicality
Wolf - For Teaching Earth Wisdom
Owl - For Sacred Knowledge. Wisdom, Clarity, Purpose
Dragon - For Symbols, Ritual, Magick
Stag Deer - For Ritual or Ceremony, Authority, Magick
Heron - For Organized wisdom from intuition. Applied Measured Wisdom
Mythical Beasts - Of All types, For Learning the symbols of Wisdom
Moose - Practical Wisdom
Mountain Cats - Earth Walk, Teachers
ItemsShadow Plants, Violet, Night Treasures, Owl Feathers, Night Birds
Sacred PlantsOak Trees - For All magick, ritual, ceremony
Redwood Trees - For Sacred wisdom, Truth
Myrrh, Sagebrush, Patchouli, Magnolia - For Ceremonial Incense
Banyan - Luck, Prosperity
Evergreens - Ritual
In the North We Work WithWhen we ride the wheel of the north, we must learn to weigh and measure our growth and progress on the path of the Shaman. It is in the north that we apply knowledge as well as recieve deeper wisdoms. We combine sacred wisdom with practical wisdom to enhance our journey.
Sacred Keys - Activating sybmols and spirituality
Patience - Grounding and personal pacing
Prosperity - Using Energies for material growth
Practical Wisdom - Using magick for daily application
Sacred MineralsCrystal Formations or Clusters - For gathering wisdom and energy
Dark Crystals - For Sacred Knowledge and Ceremony
Onyx - For Practicality
Jasper - For Earth Wisdom
Aventurine - For Prosperity
Green Jade - For Growth and Prosperity
Black Jade - For Patience
Deep Violet Fluorite - For Ritual and Symbols
Royal Azurite -For Symbols
Marble - For Steadfast practicality
Amethyst - For Ritual, Wisdom and Ceremony
Geometrically shaped stones, Ores, Earth Rocks, salt and soil
Human World Helping ActivitiesNature Ceremonies, Pagan Festivals, Shamanic Philosophies, Nature Retreats, Woodland Walks, Mountain Journeys, Cave Exploration, Medicine Helpers, Wiccan Guides.
Helping ThoughtsWith Patience do I seek sacred knowledge and wisdom.
With Practicality do I prosper.
With Ceremony do I learn earth wisdom.
With Ritual do I support my soul's growth.
With Symbols of Earth do I teach.

Wheel of the South

The focus is on faith and trust, elusiveness, innocence, strength, protection, renewal, self-healing, stress, love and courage.

FocusFaith and Trust, Elusiveness, Innocence, Physical and Personal Vulnerability, Strength, Protection, Relationships with others, with self, with nature, Renewal, Self-Healing, Stress, Love, Courage
EnergyQuick, Rapid Fire
The JourneyThe Journey of Purification
Traditional ColorsRed, Orange, Scarlet, Yellow, The blue of flame, Gold
Sacred SpiritsBridget - Goddess of the inner flame of life and creation
Pele - Goddess of Purification and Upheavals
Mars - God of strength and conflict
Michael - Archangel of the South, warrior of the Sacred Flames
Djinn - Servant of Michael, great Fire giant, for protection
Salamanders - Elemental Spirits of Fire, ruled by Djinn
Adonai - Elemental King of Fire
Sacred AnimalsSquirrels - Vulnerability and Delusiveness (relationships) tricky
Tigers and Lions - Stress, Courage
Porcupine - For Protection and to prick you into action; Defense
Badger - For Protection in Conflict; Defense
Coyote - For Protection in tricky situations; Vulnerability and Elusiveness
Fox - For Elusiveness and Innocence. Vulnerability
Hawk - For Protection and Relationships
Mouse - For Vulnerability and Elusiveness. Renewal and Self-Healing
Cats - For All sorts, for what Mark Twain called that "Mixture of Innocence and sin."
Bear - Physical Self-Healing
Rabbit - Renewal, Self-healing
Snakes - Protection
Possum - Renewal and Self-Healing
ItemsFire-forged items, Red feathers for courage.
Sacred PlantsMaple Tree
Nuts, Seeds, Pods - For Relationships
Nut Trees - For Love
Cactus, Thorn Bushes, and Spiny Plants - For Protection
In the South We Work WithProtection - Establishing personal security
Love - Balancing the energies of our relationships
Self-Power - Developing our gifts of Strength
Purification - Cleaning our Self and Cleaning our Path
Sacred MineralsPink Carnelian - For Kinships and relationships
Red Carnelian - For strength and protection, faith
Gold Amber - For clarity in relationships
Red Amber - For courage and faith
Blue Amber - For shamanic journeys of purification, inner flame
Yellow & Gold Fluorite - For personal protection on journeys
Citrine - For clarity and purification
Fire Opal - For deep inner vision, physical purification and cleansing
Steel - For Strength in trials of life
Iron Ore - For courage and protection
Lava - For purification and upheavals
Smokey Crystal, Beach Sands, Gold, Copper, Pyrite, textured or patterned Stones.
Human World Helping ActivitiesExpressive art, Dance, drama, Movement, Exercise, Physical Communication, Sensuality, Love, Western Body Awareness, Philosophies, Spirit Vibration
Helping ThoughtsIn Innocence I am born
In Faith do I Grow,
In Strength am I Purified
In Protection I walk.

Wheel of the East

The focus is on free mind, creativity, illumination, divination, brain stimulation, philosophy, mindfulness, awareness, perception, thinking ideas, communication, meditation and focus.

FocusFree Mind, Creativity, Illumination, Divination, Brain Stimulation, Philosophy, Mindfulness, Awareness, Perception, Thinking Ideas, Communication, Meditation, Focus
EnergySwift, Mercurial, Changeable
The JourneyThe Journey of perception on Chaos
Traditional ColorsWhite, Yellow, Scarlet, Peach, Turquoise Blue, Gold
Sacred SpiritsDanu - Goddess of Creativity
Mercury - God of Communication
Athena - Goddess of Wisdom
Kwan Yin - Goddess of Mindfulness
Buddha - Teacher of Illumination
Raphael - Archangel of the East, mystic illuminator, star traveler
Paralds - Servant of Raphael, shape changer in the mists of mind
Sylphs - Elemental spirits of Air, ruled by Paralda
Yod He Vawhe - Elemental King of Air
Sacred AnimalsDoves - For Messages of peace and illumination
Hawk - Focus, Perception
Eagle - Philosophy, Ideals
Wolf - Communication, Perception
Deer - Perception, Awareness
Raccoon - Thinking
Cardinals - Creativity
Parrot - Communication
Cats - Domestic and predatory
Foxes - Awareness
Turtle - Creativity
ItemsSun bleached bones (recycled light); White Feathers - Messengers; Amber, honey, tree saps; Sun-ripened, sun-dried, sun-charged items; Tree top branches; Flying insects, butterflies, most birds, and bees
Sacred PlantsWildflowers - For Creativity
Spearmint, Lavender, Clover, Lemon Balm and Sage - Meditation incenses
Ash Trees - Peace of mind
Birch, Aspen, Beech and Palms - Mental Health
Wind weeds and Air Plants
In the East We Work WithCreativity - Tapping the energies of expansion
Divination - Learning to read the energies
Mental Powers - Shaping our awareness and perception
Peace - Finding and Sharing the flow of harmony
Sacred MineralsWhite or Clear Fluorite - For Illumination and creativity
Moonstone - For Receptivity to illumination
Turquoise - For Focus and Awareness
Single-Point Crystals - For Perception
Amethyst - For Meditation and Illumination
Rhodochrosite - For Brain stimulation
Royal Azure - For Brain Codes
Silver - Receptivity
Smooth Sand and Salt
Human World Helping ActivitiesDivination, Fortune-telling, Sourcing, Vision Quests, Zen Meditation, Tai Chi Chuan, Martial Arts, Brainstorming, Philosophical Debates, Expressive Arts, Flower Arranging, Oriental Mindfulness, Awareness, Buddha Spirit Vibration and Guides
Helping ThoughtsIllumination through Creative Communication.
The Mind is Awareness.
Perception is all Philosophy.
Focus for Peace in Chaos.

Wheel of the West

T he focus is on inner knowing and self knowledge, dreams, emotions, feelings, introspection, healing, spiritual renewal, and balancing the active male and receptive female energies.

FocusInner Knowing and self-knowledge, Dreams, Emotions, feelings, introspection, shamanic journeys and initiations, healing, balancing the active male and receptive female energies, deep psychic work, spiritual renewal, communications, deep void-level meditations, hibernation.
EnergyTidal - it ebbs and flows, but never floods.
The JourneyThe Journey to Inner Wisdom
Traditional ColorsBlue-Green, Aqua, Grey, Blue-Grey, Black, Indigo, Blue, Silver, The white of sea foam in the moonlight.
Sacred SpiritsPoseidon - God of oceanic consciousness
Neptune - God of Psychic Flow
Isis - Goddess of the rivers of life
Arianrhod - Celtic Goddess of the Moon and Earth
Selene - Goddess of the Full Moon
Hecate - Goddess of the Dark Moon
Gabriel - Archangel of the West, angel of the Moon and inner vision
Niksa - Servant of Gabriel, fluid shape-changer of the inner worlds
Undines - Elemental spirits of Water, Ruled by Niksa
Eheieh - Elemental King of Water
Sacred AnimalsWater Creatures – Dream Work
Sea Mammals - For Psychic Communication
Sea Birds - For uplifted emotions
Heron - For intuition and organization, inner self-knowledge
Jaguar - For Shamanic Journeys and Self-Initiations
Raven - For dreams and inner knowledge, spirit communication
Bear - For introspection and especially for healing, Spiritual healing and renewal
Elk - For feelings and emotions
Fish - For all types of swimming in the tides of life's emotions
Dolphin - Deep Psychic Work
Panther - Introspection
Night Creatures - Journeys
ItemsWater treasures, Seaweeds, Roots, Dark Feathers, Void Meditations
Sacred PlantsWillow - Journeys, Magick
Pine Trees - Emotions
Magnolia - Dream Work
Gardenia - Spirit Guides, Love
Lavender - Summons Spirits
Water Plants - Dreams
Journey IncenseLotus, Sandalwood, Myrrh, Mugwort, Camphor, Vanilla, Violet
Dream Teas:Chamomile, Jasmine (Shamanic Intuitions), Raspberry, Catnip, Cherry, Hibiscus
In the West We Work WithJourneys - Mapping our Inner Quests
Inner Visions - Finding Formulas for Consciousness
Self-Healing - Maintaining personal wellness
Balancing - Harmonizing Aspects of Self
Sacred MineralsAquamarine - For inner journeys, serenity
Water-Colored Crystals - For psychic flow
River Stones - For Emotions
Silver - For Intuition
Amethyst - For inner journeys, soothing emotions
Mercury - For changeable emotions
White Coral - For Flexibility
Rainbow Crystals - For Shamanic Journeys
Blue Fluorite - For Shamanic Journeys and Dreams
Double-Terminated Crystals - For Healing energies
Translucent, Crystalline stones, River or Ocean Rocks, Platinum, Coral and Shells
Human World Helping ActivitiesDream Work, Shamanic Consciousness Work, Earth Journeys, Eastern Void Meditation, Healing Circles, Self-Healing, Love, Personal Healing, Spirit Guides
Helping ThoughtsFeeling are but tiny trickles, and emotions gentle brooks leading to the great rivers of Inner Knowing and Dreams All are pulled to the Deep Ocean Mother by the Lady of the Healing Lights.

Quantum Magick