Four Thieves Banishing

While banishings are of questionable karmic wisdom, there are times when one is faced with choosing the lesser of evils. In this event, let your conscience be your guide. Marie Laveau, drawing on the traditions of New Orleans voodoo, created this banishing spell.

To start, write the name of the undesirable individual on a piece of parchment.

Place this into a bottle and cover it with Four Thieves Vinegar, which is made by placing a handful of vetivert, some black pepper, High John root, and Adam and Eve root into a base of red wine vinegar. Seal the bottle, and throw it into a body of moving water, such as a river or a stream.

Queen Laveau asserts that as the bottle is carried off by the moving water, so shall the undesirable be removed from the location.

Another recipe for Four Thieves Vinegar:

Four Thieves Vinegar
2 QT Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp. Lavender
2 Tbsp Rosemary
2 Tbsp. Sage
2 Tbsp. Wormwood
2 Tbsp. Rue
2 Tbsp. Mint

The herbs can be fresh, powdered or whole. (Absolutely not for drinking!) Put the herbs in the vinegar. Shake well. Let is sit in the sun for two weeks. Open. Drop in six cloves of garlic. Cap it. Shake well. Let sit age in the sun for one week. Strain. Pour into bottles or jar. You can seal with wax or add glycerin to preserve it.


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