Gris-Gris For the Hothead

Here is a handy bag for those of us who have short tempers, to help keep that hothead in check!

Rose Hips

Orris Root



Picture of horse's bridle

Obsidian, or hematite

Table of Venus, or Seal of Serenity (see below)

2 sewing needles threaded together (eye to eye) with pink or dark blue thread; with thread wrapped around both needles and knotted

Personal nail parings, or hair clippings
In ritual, place all items in red flannel bag with drawstring or tight closure, and charge with your own chant. Anoint corners of bag with either Balm of Gilead oil, or Apple Blossom oil after charging, and once every seven days—always on the same day of the week as the bag was made. This bag should be made on Friday, or during the planetary hour of Venus if Friday is simply too far away. Wear or carry the bag as often as possible—especially if you feel the need for it.

The color pink is for dispelling bad influences; dark blues are for serenity. The needles are threaded eye to eye purposely, to allow you to understand others better. Placing your own nail or hair clippings in the bag gives your energy to the bag.

*Cleavers are tiny barbed seedlings that grow wild, and are often "gathered" because they cling to clothing. They form a binding agent for the other items in the gris-gris bag.

If using the above Seal of Serenity, you must copy it on parchment in Dove's Blood ink, and write your name (or the name of the person for whom you are making the bag) on each outside line of the triangle, beginning with the left side, then right, then bottom—so that your name appears as if signed on the line (the bottom-most name will be upside-down).


Quantum Magick